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单词 mouldy
释义 mouldy (bre) (name moldy) /məʊldi; name moʊldi/ covered with or containing mould; old and not in good condition发霉的;破旧的ⓘ mould is a fine soft green, grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or on objects that are left in warm wet air. * mould 指霉菌◆the potatoes went mouldy before we'd had a chance to use them.我们还没来得及吃,那些土豆就发霉了。◆we threw away all the mouldy old furniture.我们把破旧家具全都扔了。mouldysee ⇨ decay 2     • • •• ⇨ go mouldy mould·y /bre 【英】, moldy ame 【美】 /`moldɪ; ˈməʊldi//adjcovered with mould 发霉的:◇mouldy cheese 发霉的干酪◇go mouldy bre (=become mouldy) 【英】 发霉




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