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单词 go ahead
释义 ☞ go go ahead 1. to take place after being delayed or in doubt (延误或犹豫后)进行: ◇although several members were missing, the meeting went ahead without them. 虽然有些人缺席,会议还是如期召开。 2. to travel in front of other people in your group and arrive before them 先走先到 go aheadsee ⇨ let/allow 3 ⇨ yes 2 go aheadphr v [i] 1. to begin or continue 开始; 继续:◇the railway strike looks likely to go ahead tomorrow. 看来铁路罢工明天还会继续。◇+ with they plan to go ahead with their wedding later this year. 他们打算今年稍后时候举行婚礼。 2. to take place 发生,进行:◇the sale went ahead as planned. 大减价按计划举行。




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