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单词 quit
释义 quit verbadverb | verb + quit | preposition | phrases adverb➤altogether完全停止◆i thought about working part-time, or quitting altogether.我想过从事兼职工作,或干脆什么也不干了。➤abruptly, suddenly突然放弃verb + quit➤try to试图戒掉◆i'm still trying to quit smoking.我还在努力戒烟。➤decide to决定放弃▸➤be ready to, threaten to准备好/威胁要放弃▸➤be forced to, have to被迫/不得不放弃preposition➤as辞去⋯职务◆he was forced to quit as the team's manager.他被迫辞去球队教练的职务。➤over因⋯而离开◆their longest-serving employee is threatening to quit over pay.他们手下工龄最长的雇员因为薪水问题威胁要辞职离开。phrases➤give notice to quit, issue notice to quit (both especially bre) 通知搬离◆landlords are normally required to give 28 days' written notice to quit.房东通常应该提前 28 天以书面形式通知房客搬离。➤know when to quit知道何时停止◆in this job you have to know when to quit.在这个岗位上,你得知道什么时候要放手。 quit /kwɪt/ verb (quitting, quit, quit, bre also quitting, quitted, quitted) 1. (informal) [intransitive, transitive] to leave your job, especially because you are angry or unhappy about sth 辞职;离任◆what was the main reason you quit your previous job? 你辞去上一个工作的主要原因是甚么?◆he will quit as chief executive in may. 他五月份将辞去总裁的职务。◆her decision to quit was completely unexpected. 她辞职的决定完全出乎意料。  ➡  see note at resign 2. [transitive] to leave a place or an activity 离开;搬出;退出;放弃◆the company has said it will quit a number of markets. 这家公司表示将从几个市场中撤出。3. (it 信息技术) [transitive] to close a computer program 退出(计算机程序)☞ quit☞ quit☞ quitquit(quitting, quit, quit; bre also quitting, quitted, quitted) [transitive, intransitive] (informal) to leave the place where you live or study迁出,搬离(住处);离开(学校)◆he was forced to quit college and find work.他被迫从大学退学去找工作。◆i decide to quit town and lie low for a while.我决定离开城镇去隐居一阵子。◆the family has been given notice to quit (= told to leave their home).这家人已经接到迁出的通知。ⓘ quit can also mean to leave your job. * quit 也可表示离任或辞职。quit(quitting, quit, quit; bre also quitting, quitted, quitted) [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to leave your job离任;辞去(工作职位)◆if i don't get more money i'll quit.不给我加薪我就辞职。◆he quit the show last year because of bad health.去年他因身体欠佳退出了表演。quit(quitting, quit, quit; bre also quitting, quitted, quitted) [transitive, intransitive] (especially name, informal) to stop doing sth停止;放弃◆i'm still trying to quit smoking.我仍在尝试着戒烟。◆just quit it!就此罢手吧!◆we only just started. we're not going to quit now.我们才刚刚开始,现在还不打算放弃。quit/kwɪt ||; kwɪt/verb (present participle quitting;past tense past participle quit) 1. [i,t] quit (as sth) to leave a job, etc or to go away from a place 辞职;离去: ◇she quit as manager of the volleyball team. 她辞去了排球队经理的职务。 2. [t] (especially us 尤为美) (informal 非正式) to stop doing sth 停止(做某事);不再(做某事): ◇to quit smoking 戒烟 3. [i,t] (computing计算机技术) to close a computer program 关闭,退出(计算机程序)quitsee ⇨ leave 22 ⇨ stop 1,2,3,5 quit /kwɪt; kwɪt/v [i,t] quit, quit, quittinginformal 【非正式】 1. to leave your job, school etc permanently 放弃[工作、学业等]; 辞职; 辍学:◇barry quit his job in order to travel around the world. 巴利为了周游世界辞去了工作。 2. to stop doing something 停止[做某事]:◇i quit smoking three years ago. 我三年前戒了烟。 3. to leave a place 离开 ☞ quit




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