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单词 senseofhumour_
释义 sense of humour noun (bre) (name sense of humor) verbs | adjective | preposition verbs➤have, possess有幽默感➤keep, maintain, retain (especially bre) 保持幽默感◆i'm trying to keep a sense of humour about all of this.我在尽力对这一切保持幽默感。➤lose失去幽默感➤lack缺乏幽默感◆he seems to lack a sense of humour.他似乎缺乏幽默感。adjective➤good, great, wonderful良好的/极好的/绝妙的幽默感◆he had a keen sense of humour.他极富幽默感。➤mischievous, wicked顽皮的/调皮的幽默感◆the playwright's wicked sense of humour剧作家恶作剧式的幽默感➤dark, dry, wry黑色/不露声色的/揶揄的幽默感➤goofy, offbeat, quirky愚蠢的/另类的/怪异的幽默感◆michael and i share a quirky sense of humour.迈克尔和我的幽默感都很怪异。➤odd, strange, weird奇怪的/稀奇的/古怪的幽默感➤sick, twisted, warped变态的/怪异的/乖戾的幽默感◆the band display their twisted sense of humour on songs like 'die dead die'.该乐队在《死,死了,死》等歌曲中展示他们怪异独特的幽默感。preposition➤with a sense of humour用幽默感◆he seemed to take most things with a sense of humour.他似乎能以一种幽默态度去对待大多数事物。




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