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单词 sensation
释义 sensation noun¹ 1feeling感觉adjective | verb + sensation | sensation + verb | preposition adjective➤bodily, physical, tactile身体上的感觉;触觉▸➤delicious, pleasant, pleasurable, wonderful美味的感觉;愉快的感受;美好的感受▸➤painful, unpleasant痛苦的/不快的感觉➤intense, overwhelming, strong强烈的感受;无法抗拒的感受▸➤curious, eerie, odd, peculiar, strange, weird奇怪的感觉;怪诞的印象;古怪的感受;奇特的感觉◆i had a strange sensation in my leg.我的腿有些异样的感觉。➤familiar熟悉的感觉▸➤burning, choking, prickling, stinging, tingling烧灼的/窒息的/刺痛的/蛰刺的/麻刺的感觉➤cold冷冰冰的感觉➤hot, warm灼热的/温暖的感觉➤sinking沉重的感觉◆she felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.她的内心深处有一种不祥之感。➤pain, taste痛感;口感◆for a special taste sensation, try our gourmet coffee.要享受特别的口感,就品尝一下我们的极品咖啡吧。verb + sensation➤experience, feel, have体验感受;有感觉◆he felt a tingling sensation down his side.他身体一侧有麻刺感。◆i had the eerie sensation that i was not alone.我有一种诡异的感觉,觉得我并非独自一人。◆she had no sensation in her hands.她双手没有知觉。➤lose失去知觉▸➤produce产生感受▸➤enjoy享受感觉◆most people enjoy the sensation of eating.大多数人享受吃东西的乐趣。➤describe描述感受◆rossi described the sensation of plunging downhill at 130 mph.罗西描述了以 130 英里的时速坠落山下的感受。sensation + verb➤come back知觉恢复➤come over sb, fill sth, spread某人突然感到⋯;感觉充满⋯;感觉弥漫◆a strange sensation came over her.一股奇怪的感觉向她袭来。◆a warm tingling sensation spread to her fingers.一种暖烘烘麻酥酥的感觉一直蔓延到她的指尖。◆a wonderful sensation filled his body.一种美妙的感觉传遍他的全身。➤overwhelm感觉充溢◆he was overwhelmed by a sensation of fear.他感到极度恐惧。preposition➤sensation in在⋯方面的感受◆lisa felt a burning sensation in her eyes.莉萨觉得眼睛有灼热感。➤sensation of⋯的感受◆the sensation of sand between your toes沙粒在脚趾间的感觉◆the sensation of being watched被人监视的感觉sensation noun² 2great excitement, etc.; person that causes this轰动;引起轰动的人adjective | verb + sensation adjective➤great极大的轰动▸➤overnight一夜成名➤international国际轰动➤literary, media, pop, singing, tennis, etc.文学、媒体、流行乐、演唱、网球等领域的大事◆the series became a media sensation in the early 1950s.该系列在 20 世纪 50 年代初引起了媒体轰动。◆the young singer is hoping to become america's newest media sensation.这名年轻歌手希望成为轰动美国媒体的新人。➤rookie, teen, teenage (especially bre) 引起轰动的新手/神童/少年◆golf's latest teen sensation is 14-year-old michael woo.最近引起轰动的高尔夫神童是 14 岁的迈克尔・吴。◆teenage boxing sensation amir khan returned to britain a hero.拳击神童阿米尔・卡恩回到英国时已然是名人了。verb + sensation➤cause, create引起/制造轰动◆the movie caused a sensation among critics.这部影片在评论界引起了轰动。➤become成为引起轰动的人/事sensation /senseɪʃn/ [countable] (rather formal) a feeling that you get when sth affects your body感觉;知觉◆you may get a tingling sensation in your fingers.你的手指可能会有刺痛的感觉。◆i had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦里似的。note 辨析 feeling or sensationa feeling may be physical or mental; a sensation is a physical feeling. sensation is used especially to talk about a feeling that you do not immediately recognize or understand. * feeling 可表示身体或精神上的感觉,sensation 表示身体上的感觉。sensation 尤指不能立即识别或理解的感觉◆a sensation of falling / floating / movement / nausea / sinking坠落/漂浮/移动/恶心/下沉的感觉sensation/senˈseɪʃn ||; sɛnˈseʃən/noun1. [c] a feeling that is caused by sth affecting your body or part of your body 感觉: ◇a pleasant/unpleasant/tingling sensation 愉快╱不愉快╱刺痛的感觉 2. [u] the ability to feel when touching or being touched 知觉: ◇for some time after the accident he had no sensation in his legs. 意外发生后,他的两条腿曾有一段时间失去了知觉。 3. [c] [usu.sing] a general feeling or impression that is difficult to explain 下意识的感觉或印象: ◇i had the peculiar sensation that i was floating in the air. 我有一种浮在空中的奇特感觉。 4. [c] [usu.sing] great excitement, surprise or interest among a group of people; sb/sth that causes this excitement 轰动;引起轰动的人或事: ◇the young american caused a sensation by beating the top player. 那个年轻的美国人打败了头号选手,轰动一时。 sensationsee ⇨ feel 2 sen·sa·tion /sɛn`seʃən; senˈseɪʃən/n 1. [c,u] the ability to feel, or a feeling that you get from one of your five senses 感觉能力; 感觉,知觉:◇matt had a burning sensation in his arm. 麦特手臂上有一种火辣辣的感觉。◇ian had no sensation in his legs after the accident. 出了事故之后,伊恩的腿就没有了知觉。 2. [c] a feeling or experience that is hard to describe [难以形容的]感受,感觉:◇i had the strangest sensation that everything was happening very slowly. 我有一种很奇怪的感觉,好像一切都是慢吞吞的。 3. [singular 单数] extreme excitement or interest, or someone or something that causes this 轰动; 引起轰动的人[事物]:◇the announcement caused a sensation. 这则通知引起了很大的轰动。




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