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单词 blitz
释义 blitz noun¹ 1campaign; sudden, great effort攻势;突击行动adjective | verb + blitz | preposition adjective➤advertising, marketing, media, pr, promotional, propaganda, safety广告宣传风暴;闪电式营销活动;媒体宣传战;公共关系攻势;促销战;宣传攻势;安全突击检查➤all-out全面攻势◆an all-out blitz on crime对犯罪的全面打击verb + blitz➤conduct, have, launch, mount发动闪电行动◆we decided to have a blitz on the kitchen (= to clean the kitchen thoroughly).我们决定彻底清扫一下厨房。➤plan策划闪电行动preposition➤blitz on针对⋯的突击行动◆a blitz on illegal parking针对非法停车的突击行动blitz noun² 2 (especially bre) sudden military attack, often by air(自空中的)突然袭击adjective | verb + blitz | preposition adjective➤bombing炸弹突袭▸➤wartime战时突袭verb + blitz➤carry out进行闪电战preposition➤during a/the blitz, in a/the blitz在闪电战期间◆many people died in the london blitz.许多人在伦敦大空袭中丧生。➤blitz on对⋯进行的突袭◆enemy bombers carried out a blitz on the city.敌军轰炸机对这座城市进行了突袭。 blitz /blɪts/ noun [countable, usually singular] something that involves a lot of activity and is done over a short period of time 闪电式行动◆an advertising blitz 广告闪电战☞ blitzblitz/blɪts ||; blɪts/noun [c] a blitz (on sth) a sudden effort or attack on sb/sth 突然的努力;突袭;闪电式攻击: ◇the police are planning a blitz on vandalism. 警方打算对恶意破坏行为发动突袭。 blitz /blɪts; blɪts/n 1. the blitz the attack on british cities from the air during the second world war [第二次世界大战时对英国的]空袭 2. [c] when you use a lot of effort to achieve something in a short time [为短时间内达到某个目的而作的]努力; 大规模行动:◇the campaign starts next month with a tv advertising blitz. 一场大规模的电视广告宣传活动将于下个月开始。 blitzv [t]




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