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单词 area
释义 area noun¹ 1part of place地区adjective | verb + area | area + noun | preposition adjective➤huge, large, vast, wide广大地区;广袤的区域;宽广的地域▸➤small狭小的区域▸➤immediate, local附近地区;当地◆she knows the local area very well.她非常熟悉当地情况。➤surrounding周边地区◆the storms hit boston and the surrounding area.暴风雨袭击了波士顿及周边地区。➤central中部地区▸➤geographical地理区域▸➤isolated, outlying, remote, secluded偏远/边远/偏僻的/僻静的地区◆we were in a secluded area far away from the rest of the school.我们所在的地方是学校僻静的一隅,离学校的其他地方很远。➤rural农村地区▸➤built-up, downtown, inner-city, metro (name, informal) , metropolitan, suburban, urban, urbanized建筑物林立的地区;商业区;内城区;大都会区(包括大城市及其郊区);郊区;市区◆the widening economic gap between urban and rural areas城乡越来越大的经济差距➤industrial工业区▸➤residential住宅区➤populated, unpopulated有人居住的/无人居住的地区▸➤coastal, forested, mountain, wilderness, wooded沿海地区;林区;山区;荒漠地区;树木茂盛的地区➤low-lying, mountainous低地;多山地区◆the storm surges have brought significant flooding to low-lying coastal areas.风暴潮造成沿海的低地洪水泛滥。➤natural自然区域➤conservation, protected, sensitive保护区;敏感区域◆environmentally sensitive areas环境敏感地区➤grassy长满草的地区➤ski滑雪场◆the mount sunapee ski area in new hampshire新罕布什尔州的苏纳匹山滑雪场➤deprived (especially bre) 贫民区◆people living in socially deprived areas生活在社会地位低下的贫民区的人➤high-crime犯罪高发地区➤disaster灾区verb + area➤inhabit, live in居住在/生活在⋯地区▸➤move into, move to搬进/搬到⋯地区◆a lot of new people have moved into the area recently.最近有许多人新迁入了该地区。➤leave, move away from离开某地;搬离⋯地区▸➤cover覆盖⋯地区▸➤be scattered over, be spread over分散在/广泛散布于⋯地区◆wreckage from the plane was scattered over a large area.飞机的残骸散落在面积广大的区域内。➤patrol巡逻地区◆police patrol the area regularly.警方定期对该地区进行巡逻。➤survey查看地区◆he slowly turned around, surveying the area.他慢慢回转身,审视着这片区域。➤search搜查地区◆teams searched large areas on foot.一队一队的人徒步搜查了大片区域。➤visit造访地区◆thousands of tourists visit the area every year.每年有成千上万的游客前往该地。➤explore, tour探索地区;在地区游玩◆i explored the area on my day off.我趁休息的日子探察了这一区域。area + noun➤manager, office地区管理者/办事处➤hospital, hotel, restaurant (all name) 地区医院/旅馆/饭馆◆search for area hotels on the website.在网站上搜寻该地区的旅馆。➤code (= in a telephone number) (especially name) 区号preposition➤in an/the area在⋯地区内◆few homes in the area had electricity.该地区通了电的家庭很少。➤outside an/the area在⋯地区外◆i live outside the metropolitan area.我住在大都市的郊区。➤within an/the area在⋯地区之内▸➤area around, area round (especially bre) ⋯的附近地区◆the area around san francisco旧金山周边地区area noun² 2space空间adjective | preposition adjective➤dining, lounge, reception就餐区;休息区;接待区▸➤picnic, play野餐区;游戏场地➤waiting等候区➤seating座位区➤landing着陆区➤storage存贮区◆keep storage areas locked.将存贮区锁好。➤outdoor户外区域◆the hotel has an outdoor area that rivals any las vegas hotel.这家旅馆有一个户外区域,可与拉斯维加斯的任何一家旅馆媲美。➤no-smoking, smoking无烟区;吸烟区➤vip贵宾区◆he was shown to a table in the vip area.他被带到贵宾区的餐桌入座。➤penalty (in football/soccer足球) 罚球区➤designated指定地区◆you can only smoke in designated areas.只能在指定区域吸烟。➤enclosed封闭区域◆do not use the spray in enclosed areas.不要在封闭区域使用此喷雾剂。preposition➤in an/the area在⋯区◆i'll meet you in the reception area.我在接待区等你。area noun³ 3subject/activity学科;活动adjective | verb + area | preposition | phrases adjective➤broad广阔的领域▸➤important, key, main重要/关键/主要领域▸➤complex, difficult, problem, sensitive复杂的领域;难以攻克的领域;存在问题的方面;敏感的领域◆taxation is a very complex area.税收是个很复杂的领域。➤growth增长领域◆the big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.近年来发展迅速的是健身俱乐部。➤content, subject内容/学科领域▸➤grey/gray灰色区域◆the proposals contain too many grey / gray areas (= aspects that are not clear).这些提案有太多含糊不清的地方。verb + area➤cover涵盖领域◆the course covers two main subject areas.这门课程涵盖两个主要学科领域。➤explore探索领域◆the research explores three areas.该研究探索三个领域的问题。➤identify识别⋯范围◆the primary need is to identify problem areas.首先是要找到问题所在。preposition➤in an/the area在⋯领域◆there have been some exciting new developments in this area.这个领域取得了一些振奋人心的新进展。phrases➤an area of activity, an area of life活动/生活领域◆people with this disability can cope well in most areas of life.身患这种残疾的人能够轻松应付生活中的大多数情况。➤an area of concern, an area of difficulty令人担心的方面;难点◆we are generally pleased with the results but there are a few areas of concern.这些结果我们总体上比较满意,但仍存在着几处令人担忧的地方。➤an area of interest, an area of research, an area of study感兴趣的领域;研究领域area noun⁴ 4measurement测量adjective | verb + area adjective➤large大面积▸➤small小面积▸➤total总面积▸➤floor, surface楼层面积;表面积◆a building with a floor area of 100 square feet一座楼层面积为 100 平方英尺的大楼verb + area➤cover, have占据/拥有面积◆the estate covers an area of 106 acres.这个庄园占地 106 英亩。area /eəriə; name eriə/ noun [countable] 1.a part of a town, a country or the world 地区;地域◆an industrial/a residential area 工业/住宅区◆she has been appointed area manager for south wales. 她已获任命为南威尔士地区经理。  ➡  territory (1) 2.part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose (用于某特定目的的)地方,场地◆a parking area 停车场◆the hotel reception area 酒店接待区3.a particular subject or activity, or an aspect of it 领域;范围;方面◆the areas of training and development 培训与发展方面◆solar energy is one of our core business areas. 太阳能是我们的核心业务领域之一。◆my area of expertise (= what i have expert knowledge of and skill in) is computer-aided design. 我的专业范围是计算机辅助设计。  ➡  territory (2) assisted area ◇ catchment area ◇ core area ◇ development area ◇ dollar area ◇ euro area ◇ sales area ☞ areaarea noun 1➤rural/urban areas乡村/城市地区➤areas of study/policy/growth研究/政策/发展领域area ♦︎ region ♦︎ part ♦︎ zone ♦︎ neighbourhood ♦︎ district ♦︎ belt ♦︎ climate ♦︎ quarterthese are all words for an area of land or part of a town.这些词均表示地域、区域。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a / an) eastern / northern / southern / western area / region / parts / zone / district / quarter◆the central area / region / part / zone / district◆the whole / entire area / region / zone / neighbourhood / district◆the surrounding area / region / neighbourhood / district◆a remote area / region / part◆a border / coastal / geographical area / region / zone / district◆an industrial area / region / zone / district / belt / quarter◆a residential area / zone / neighbourhood / district / quarter◆(a) rural area / region / parts / zone / district◆an urban area / region / zone / neighbourhood / district◆a military area / region / zone / district■ area [countable] a part of a place, town, country or the world, usually without exact limits or borders(地方、市镇、国家或世界的)地区,地域(通常没有明确的界限)◆mountainous / desert areas山区;荒漠地域◆she knows the local area very well.她非常了解这个地区的情况。◆the farm and surrounding area was flooded.农场和周围地区被洪水淹没。◆there is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight.今晚市区中心交通繁忙。◆wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.飞机残骸散落到很大一片区域。◆john is the london area manager.约翰是伦敦地区经理。■ region [countable] a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders(通常没有明确界限的)地区,区域◆this is one of the most densely populated regions of north america.这里是北美人口最为稠密的地区之一。◆soil erosion is particularly serious in dry tropical regions.水土流失在干旱的热带地区尤为严重。 ➡ see also region → county note 辨析 area or region? area has a wider range of meaning than region. a region is always a fairly large area of a country or continent, especially when it is considered in terms of its geographical features, or its economic or political importance. an area can be part of a country or continent, or part of a city or town (or even a building or room or sth even smaller). * area 比 region 词义广。region 总是指一个国家或大陆的大片土地,尤指具有地理特征或经济、政治重要性的地区。area 可以是一个国家或大陆的一部份,或是市镇的一部份,甚至是建筑物、房间或更小空间的一部份。  ➡ see also area → place noun 1■ part [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接 of) an area or region of the world, a country or a town(世界、国家或城镇的)地区,区域◆apples grow in many parts of the world.世界上许多地区都有苹果生长。◆the northern part of the country is richer than the south.这个国家的北部地区比南部富有。◆which part of london do you come from?你是伦敦哪个地区的人?■ zone [countable] an area or region with a particular feature or use; one of the five parts that the earth's surface is divided into by imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator(有某特色或作用的)地区,地带;(地球表面与赤道平行的)气候带◆medical teams are on standby to fly out to the war zone.医疗队随时待命飞往战区。◆aid workers were advised to leave the danger zone.救援人员被劝告撤离危险地带。◆this species is found widely distributed throughout the northern temperate zone.这一物种广泛分布在北温带。ⓘ a time zone is one of the 24 areas that the world is divided into, each with its own time that is one hour earlier than that of the time zone immediately to the east. * time zone 指时区。世界分为 24 个时区,每个时区的时间比紧邻其东部的时区早一个小时。  ➡ see also zone → county ■ neighbourhood (bre) (name neighborhood) /neɪbəhʊd; name neɪbərhʊd/ [countable] a district or area of a town; the people who live there街区;城区;某街区(或城区)的居民◆we grew up in the same neighbourhood.我们是在同一条街上长大的。◆he shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him.他叫得那么大声,整条街的人都能听到。 ➡ see also neighbourhood → proximity ■ district [countable] an area of a country or town, especially one that has particular features(尤指有某种特征的)地区,城区◆the financial district of london is usually referred to as 'the city'.伦敦的金融区通常称为 the city。◆the house was like all the others in this exclusive residential district.在这个高档住宅区,这所房子跟所有其他房子都一样。  ➡ see also district → county ■ belt [countable] (used with an adjective与形容词连用) an area with particular characteristics or where a particular group of people live(有特点或特定人群居住的)地带,地区◆towns in the country's industrial belt were particularly affected by the recession.位于该国工业区的城镇受到经济萧条的影响尤其大。◆the us corn belt美国产粮区◆ (bre) we live in the commuter belt.我们住在通勤者居住区。◆buffalo is an american rust belt city (= in an area that used to have a lot of heavy industry) that was home to several steel mills.布法罗是美国一个衰败的工业城市,过去有几家钢铁厂。■ climate [countable] an area with particular weather conditions气候区◆they wanted to move to a warmer climate.他们想搬到气候较温暖的地区。  ➡ see also climate → weather ■ quarter [countable, usually singular] a district or part of a town城镇的区(或一部份)◆the historic quarter of the city is full of grand buildings.这个具有历史意义的城区有很多宏伟的建筑。area noun 2➤rural/urban areas乡村/城市地区➤areas of study/policy/growth研究/政策/发展领域area ♦︎ sector ♦︎ field ♦︎ domain ♦︎ subject ♦︎ discipline ♦︎ sphere ♦︎ specialty ♦︎ realm ♦︎ branch ♦︎ specialismthese are all words for divisions of activity, knowledge or interest.这些词均表示活动、知识或兴趣的领域、方面。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆within / outside the area / sector / field / domain / discipline / sphere / realm of sth◆beyond the domain / sphere / realm of sth◆the public / private / domestic sector / domain / sphere / realm◆the cultural sector / field / domain / sphere / realm◆the social sector / field / sphere / realm◆the economic / military sector / field / sphere◆(the) financial area / sector / sphere◆the political field / domain / sphere / realm◆(the) scientific field / subjects / disciplines / sphere◆to open up a (new) area / field / realm of sth◆to work in the area / sector / field / domain of sth◆to fall within / move into the area / sector / domain / realm of sth■ area [countable] a particular aspect or division of business, knowledge, politics or other activity(商业、知识、政治等活动的)领域,方面◆the report covers several areas of social policy.这份报告涉及社会政策的多个方面。◆don't ask me about finance-that's mark's area.别问我财务问题 - 那是马克负责的范围。◆the big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。■ sector [countable] a part of an area of activity, especially of a country's economy(尤指一国经济活动的)部门,领域,行业◆public sector institutions have much to learn from private sector companies.公共事业机构有很多地方需要向私营企业学习。◆the manufacturing / service sector制造业;服务业■ field [countable] an area of work or study that sb works in or is interested in专业;学科;领域◆he was equally famous in the fields of politics and of science.他在政界和科学界同样著名。◆all of them are experts in their chosen field.他们在各自选定的专业中都是专家。◆this discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.这个发现开辟了一个崭新的研究领域。◆'how big was the bomb if it did all that damage?' 'i don't know. it's not my field (= that is not one of the subjects i know about).'“造成这么大的破坏,那颗炸弹得有多大?”“不知道,那不是我的专业。”■ domain /dəmeɪn, dəʊmeɪn; name doʊmeɪn/ [countable] an area of activity or knowledge, especially one that sb is responsible for(尤指专人负责的活动或知识的)领域,范围,范畴◆physics used to be very much a male domain.物理学曾在很大程度上是男人的领域。◆sensitive information should not be released into the public domain.敏感信息不应该对公有产业开放。■ subject [countable] an area of knowledge studied in a school, college or university学科;科目;课程◆my favourite subject is biology.我最喜欢的学科是生物。◆the core subjects are english, maths and science.核心课程是英语、数学和自然科学。  ➡ see also subject → subject ■ discipline [countable] (formal) an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially at university知识领域;(尤指大学的)学科,科目◆scholars from various disciplines have been working on these problems.来自不同领域的学者一直致力于解决这些问题。■ sphere /sfɪə(r); name sfɪr/ [countable] an area of activity, influence or interest; a particular section of society(活动、影响或兴趣的)范围,领域;(社会的)阶层◆debate should be confined to the sphere of economics rather than politics.辩论应限定在经济领域而不是政治领域。◆this area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the us.这一地区先前属于美国的势力范围。◆he and i moved in totally different social spheres.我和他进入了完全不同的社会圈子。■ specialty /speʃəlti/ [countable] (especially name) an area of work or study that sb gives most of their attention to and knows a lot about; sth that sb is good at专业;专长◆he is a lawyer with a specialty in international tax.他是专长于国际税法的律师。◆telling jokes is my specialty!讲笑话是我的专长!■ realm /relm/ [countable] an area of activity, interest or knowledge(活动、兴趣或知识的)领域,场所◆questions of consciousness lie outside the realm of physics.有关知觉的问题超出了物理学的领域。◆at the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy.讲话的最后,他似乎进入了虚幻的境地。ⓘ the word realm is often used to draw attention to the boundaries between one area of interest and another: things are within/outside/beyond the realms of sth or people enter/move into the realms of sth. * realm 常用来强调一种兴趣领域与另一种兴趣领域之间的界限,常用表达方式为 within/outside/beyond the realms of sth (在⋯领域之内/之外;超出⋯的领域)和 enter/move into the realms of sth (进入⋯领域)。■ branch [countable] a division of a subject(学科的)分支◆the aim is to bring together researchers from different branches of geography.目的在于将地理学科不同分支的研究人员聚集到一起。■ specialism /speʃəlɪzəm/ [countable, uncountable] an area of study or work that sb officially gives most of their attention to, especially in the context of a course of study or a particular company(尤指研究方向或企业的)专业,专长◆he's doing a business degree with a specialism in computing.他正在读一个专修计算机技术的商学位。◆dr crane's specialism is tropical diseases.克兰博士的研究专业是热带病。area [countable] a part of a place, town, country or the world, usually without exact limits or borders(地方、市镇、国家或世界的)地区,地域(通常没有明确的界限)◆mountainous / desert areas山区;荒漠地域◆she knows the local area very well.她非常了解这个地区的情况。◆the farm and surrounding area was flooded.农场和周围地区被洪水淹没。◆there is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight.今晚市区中心交通繁忙。◆wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.飞机残骸散落到很大一片区域。◆john is the london area manager.约翰是伦敦地区经理。 area [countable] a particular aspect or division of business, knowledge, politics or other activity(商业、知识、政治等活动的)领域,方面◆the report covers several areas of social policy.这份报告涉及社会政策的多个方面。◆don't ask me about finance-that's mark's area.别问我财务问题 - 那是马克负责的范围。◆the big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。 area [countable] a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose; a particular place on an object(房间、建筑物、处所等中作特别用途的)场地,区;(物体上的)处,部位◆the hotel reception area酒店接待处◆a play / parking / dining area游戏场地;停车场;用餐处◆move the cursor to a blank area on the screen.把光标移至电脑屏幕的空白区。◆the tumour had not spread to other areas of the body.肿瘤没有扩散到身体其他部位。  ➡ see also area → area 1 area [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the amount of space covered by a flat surface or piece of land, described as a measurement面积◆how do you work out the area of a right-angled triangle?怎样计算直角三角形的面积?◆the room is 12 square metres in area.这个房间面积为 12 平方米。◆the country has a total area of around a million square miles.这个国家总面积大约为 100 万平方英里。area/ˈeəriə ||; ˈɛrɪə/noun1. [c] a part of a town, a country or the world 地区: ◇housing is very expensive in the tokyo area. 东京地区的房屋非常昂贵。◇the wettest areas are in the west of the country. 最潮湿的地区在那个国家西部。◇built-up areas (= where there are a lot of buildings) 建筑物林立的地区◇forests cover a large area of the country. 该国大片地区为森林覆盖。 ☞look at the note at district. 参看 district 的注释。 2. [c,u] the size of a surface, that you can calculate by multiplying the length by the width 面积: ◇the area of the office is 35 square metres. 办公室的面积是35平方米。◇the office is 35 square metres in area. 办公室的面积是35平方米。 ☞look at volume. 参看 volume。 3. [c] a space used for a particular activity 作特别用途的空间: ◇the restaurant has a non-smoking area. 那家餐厅有禁烟区。 4. [c] a particular part of a subject or activity (课题或活动的)一部份,方面: ◇training is one area of the business that we could improve. 培训工作是我们公司的业务有待改进的地方。 areaan area of the world, a country, a surface etc1 an area of the world or a country2 an area in or around a town or city3 the area around a building or place4 an area used for a particular purpose5 a large area of land6 an empty area7 an area belonging to a country or person8 an area that is part of a surfacean area of knowledge, activity, or responsibility9 an area of knowledge, duties, study etcrelated wordssee alsospace,place,land/ground,country,town,1. an area of the world or a country 世界上或一个国家的一个区域 area /ˈeəriə/ [countable noun] an area of land that is part of the world or part of a country [作为世界或国家一部分的]地区,地域,区域 police think the crime was committed by someone from outside the area. 警方认为这桩犯罪案件是这个地区以外的人所为。area of there is a shortage of water in many areas of the world. 世界上许多地区都缺水。 hannah grew up in a beautiful area of ireland. 汉娜在爱尔兰一个美丽的地方长大。somebody's area the area where someone lives 某人居住的区域 the cost of electricity has risen in our area. 我们区的电费涨了。 region /ˈriːdʒən/ [countable noun] a large area that is part of a country or of the world [作为国家或世界一部分的大范围的]地区;地带;区域 there have been reports of fighting in the region. 有报道说该地区发生了战争。region of for several years they lived in a remote region of kenya. 有好几年,他们都生活在肯尼亚的一个偏远地区。 severe winter weather is expected in the northeast region of the country. 该国东北部地区预计今冬有严寒天气。 zone /zəʊn/ [countable noun] an area that is in some way special or different from the areas around it, for example because it has a particular type of problem [因存在某类问题等而不同于周围的]地区,地带 san francisco and tokyo are both located in earthquake zones. 圣弗朗西斯科和东京都位于地震带。 half of the community lies in a flood zone. 这个社区一半位于洪涝区。war/battle zone un troops are unwilling to enter the battle zone. 联合国部队不愿意进入战区。 country /ˈkʌntri/ [uncountable noun] an area of land that is of a particular type or that is used for a particular activity, lived in by particular people etc [具有某种特点、某种活动专用,或某种人居住的]地区,区域 the midwest is largely farming country. 中西部主要是农业区。 not many people live in the hill country any more. 山区不再有很多人居住了。 locality /ləʊˈkælɪti, ləʊˈkæləti/ [countable noun] formal a small area of a country 【正式】[国内小面积的]地区 in some localities the price of housing has risen by more than fifty percent in the last decade. 有些地区的房价在过去10年里上涨了50%以上。 the city council is responsible for providing police protection in each locality. 市议会负责提供警力保护各区。2. an area in or around a town or city 城镇内或城镇周围的地区 area /ˈeəriə/ [countable noun] an area in or around a town or city [城镇内或周围的]地区 area of the family lives in roxbury, a working-class area of boston. 这家人住在罗克斯伯里,波士顿的一个工人阶级居住区。poor/rich area raul grew up in a poor area of buenos aires. 劳尔住在布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个贫民区。 district /ˈdɪstrɪkt/ [countable noun] one of the areas that a town or city is officially divided into, or one of the areas of a town or city where a particular group of people live or a particular activity happens 行政区;[城镇中某类人居住或有某类活动的]地区,区域 district of their apartment is in the chongwen district of peking. 他们的公寓在北京的朝阳区。business/financial/historical etc district blaine works in the financial district. 布莱恩在金融区工作。 neighbourhood british /neighborhood american /ˈneɪbəʳhʊd/ [countable noun] one of the parts of a town or city 近邻的地区,四邻,街区 the cranstons live in a very wealthy neighbourhood. 克兰斯顿一家住在一个非常富有的地段。neighbourhood of i grew up in a quiet neighborhood of birmingham. 我在伯明翰一个宁静的街区里长大。in the neighbourhood/neighborhood are there any good restaurants in the neighborhood? 这地区有什么好的餐馆吗? quarter /ˈkwɔːʳtəʳ/ [countable noun] an area in a town or city that is lived in by people of a particular type or nationality [城镇中某类居民或民族的]居住区 quarter of we rented a house in the creole quarter of new orleans. 我们在新奥尔良的克里奥尔人居住区租了一栋房子。 the dahdah palace is in the old jewish quarter of damascus. 达达宫位于大马士革的旧犹太人城区。 zone /zəʊn/ [countable noun] part of a city that is officially divided from other parts because it is of a particular type [因属于某一类而被正式划分的]地区 residential/commercial zone this is a residential zone -- no commercial buildings are allowed. 这里是住宅区,不允许建造商业大楼。pedestrian zone a zone where cars, motorcycles etc are not allowed 步行区 most of the town centre is now a pedestrian zone. 现在镇中心的大部分地方都是步行区。 block /blɒkǁblɑːk/ [countable noun] especially american a group of buildings in a city, with four streets around it - often used as a way of talking about distances in the city 【尤美】[城镇的]街区[指四条街道中间的区域,常用于表示距离] she lived three blocks away from me when we were kids. 我们小时候,她就住在和我家相隔三个街区的地方。 many of the families on our block are hispanic-americans. 我们这一街区的许多人家都是西班牙裔美国人。 suburb /ˈsʌbɜːʳb/ [countable noun] an area away from the centre of a city, where people live, especially an area where there are houses with gardens [城市的]郊区,近郊;[尤指住房带花园的]城郊住宅区 suburb of amy teaches at a primary school in a suburb of atlanta. 埃美在亚特兰大的一所郊区小学任教。the suburbs my family moved to the suburbs when i was ten. 我十岁的时候,我们家搬到了郊区。 precinct /ˈpriːsɪŋkt/ [countable noun] american an area in an american town or city that is officially divided from other parts and that has its own police department etc 【美】[美国城镇里拥有独立警察部门等的]分区 the fourteenth precinct 第十四分区 the mayor has lost support in many precincts of the city. 市长失去了许多分区的支持。3. the area around a building or place 建筑物或某地周围的区域 surroundings /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ [plural noun] the objects, buildings, natural things etc that are around a building, around the place where you live, work etc 周围的事物;环境 the house is set in beautiful surroundings near lake coniston. 这房子靠近科尼斯顿湖,周围景色秀丽。 the mountaintop provides a spectacular view of innsbruck and its surroundings. 从山顶上望去,因斯布鲁克和它的周围地区景色壮丽。 it took me a few weeks to get used to my new surroundings. 我花了几个星期适应新的环境。 surrounding area /səˌraʊndɪŋ ˈeəriə/ [countable noun] the area around a building, street, city etc [大楼、街道、城市等的]周围地区 the city is not very attractive, but the surrounding area is lovely. 这座城市并不美,不过周围地区倒是很漂亮。 police are still searching the town and surrounding areas for the child. 警方仍在镇里和周围地区寻找那个孩子。4. an area used for a particular purpose 作特定用途的地方 area /ˈeəriə/ [countable noun] an area in a house, garden, office etc that is used for a particular purpose, although it is not completely separate [房子、花园、办公室等里面虽不完全分开但是作特定用途的]地方;场地 their apartment has a large kitchen area. 他们的公寓有一个很大的厨房。 the boat has a sleeping area at one end. 船上有一头是睡觉的地方。smoking/non-smoking area there's a smoking area behind the building. 大楼的后面有个吸烟区。 lot /lɒtÛlɑːt/ [countable noun] american an area outdoors that is used for a particular purpose, for example selling a particular type of thing 【美】[户外的][专用]场地 the car stopped outside a used-car lot at the end of the street. 汽车停在街尽头一个旧车场的外面。parking lot for parking cars 停车场5. a large area of land 大片的土地 expanse /ɪkˈspæns/ [countable noun] a large continuous area of land, water, or sky [土地、水或天空的]大片区域 expanse of we traveled across a broad expanse of desert. 我们穿过一片广袤的沙漠。vast expanse extremely large area 广阔无垠的空间 the vast expanse of the pacific ocean 辽阔的太平洋 stretch /stretʃ/ [countable noun] an area of land or water, especially one that is long and narrow [尤指狭长的]一片地区;水域 stretch of an empty stretch of highway 空荡荡的一段公路 the stretch of coastline between barcelona and the french border is called the costa brava. 巴塞罗那与法国边境之间的一段海岸线叫布拉瓦海岸。 tract /trækt/ [countable noun usually plural] a very large area of land of a particular type, for example, an area of forest or farming country [某种类型的]大片土地[如森林或田地] vast/huge/large tracts of something vast tracts of brazilian rain forest continue to be cut down every year. 每年,巴西都有大片的热带雨林不断遭到砍伐。 there are large tracts of vacant land near the river, which could be used for farming. 沿河有大片大片的空地,可以用来耕种。6. an empty area 空的地方 space /speɪs/ [countable noun] a small empty area which is available for you to sit down in, stand in, leave your car in, etc [可供坐下、站立或停车等的]空位,空地 there's a space over there by the bar where we can sit down. 那边柜台旁有个位置,我们可以坐下来。 i couldn't find an empty space in the car park. 我在停车场找不到空位。 clearing /ˈklɪərɪŋ/ [countable noun] a small empty area of land in the middle of a forest or wood, especially where the trees have been cut down [树林中尤因树木被砍后形成的]小空地 a small deer stood on the edge of the clearing. 一只小鹿站在空地的边缘。 in the clearing, there was a small cottage. 空地中有一座小屋。 vacant lot /ˌveɪkənt ˈlɒtǁ-ˈlɑːt/ [countable noun] american an empty outdoor area in a town or city where nothing has been built yet and that is not being used for any particular purpose at the moment 【美】[城镇里没有造房子也没被占用的]空地,闲置土地 a bunch of kids were playing basketball in a vacant lot. 一群孩子在一片空地上打篮球。 with real estate prices rising, vacant lots in the area are selling for as much as $75,000. 随着房产价格上升,这地区闲置土地的售价高达75,000美元。7. an area belonging to a country or person 属于国家或个人的地方 territory /ˈterɪtəri, ˈterətəriǁ-tɔːri/ [countable/uncountable noun] an area that officially belongs to a particular country, or an area that a person, group, or animal controls and will defend against others 领土,领地;[人、群体或动物的]地盘 the island of guam is a us territory. 关岛是美国的领土。 many birds will attack other birds that enter their territory. 许多鸟都会攻击进入自己地盘的其他鸟。 a salesman's territory 推销员负责的地区neutral territory an area which no-one controls 中立国的领土 the negotiations will be held on neutral territory. 谈判将在中立国的领土上举行。 turf /tɜːʳf/ [uncountable noun] the area that a person or group controls and defends against anyone competing for it [人或群体的]地盘,势力范围 ten years ago the city was paralyzed by gang battles over turf. 十年之前,该城市因为黑帮之间争夺地盘而陷入瘫痪。 patch /pætʃ/ [countable noun usually singular] british informal the area that someone controls or is responsible for 【英,非正式】管辖区 detective mccready had taken over; he didn't want us on his patch. 麦克里迪探长接管了,他不想我们插手他的管辖范围。8. an area that is part of a surface 物体表面的一块地方 area /ˈeəriə/ [countable noun] part of a surface that has a particular size or shape [物体表面的]一片,一块 there were several damp areas on the living room ceiling. 起居室的天花板上有几处潮湿的地方。area of after an hour's work, i had only cleaned a small area of the carpet. 我干了一个小时,才清洗了一小块地毯。 patch /pætʃ/ [countable noun] a small area that is different from the parts around it [与周围不同的]斑块 a white kitten with black patches 一只长着黑色花斑的小白猫patch of i noticed a patch of dirt in the middle of the rug. 我发现地毯中间有一块污斑。damp/dirty/icy etc patch the car hit an icy patch on the road and went out of control. 汽车撞到路上一块结冰的地方,失去了控制。 spot /spɒtǁspɑːt/ [countable noun] a small area that has been changed, especially because it is damaged or dirty, and looks different [尤因受损或弄脏而出现的]斑点,污渍 do you mind cleaning the grease spots behind the stove? 麻烦你清理一下炉子后面的油污好吗? oh no, i've got a spot on my new shirt! 啊呀,不好了,我的新衬衫沾上污渍了!9. an area of knowledge, duties, study etc 知识的领域、职责的范围、学科的领域等 area /ˈeəriə/ [countable noun] an area of knowledge, activity, or responsibility 领域,方面,范围 they fund research in areas like information technology. 他们为信息技术这一类的研究领域提供资金。area of the president has won new support because of his reforms in the areas of health and education. 总统因为在卫生和教育这两个方面进行了改革而得到更多人的支持。 nordstrom does research in the area of heart disease. 诺德斯特姆从事心脏病方面的研究。 field /fiːld/ [countable noun] a subject or area of study, especially one that you know a lot about [学科的]领域,范围;[尤指某人的]专业 keith has a degree in engineering, but couldn't find a job in his field. 基思有工程学学位,但却找不到他这个领域的工作。the field laycock is one of the most brilliant psychiatrists in the field. 莱科克是他这个领域中最杰出的精神科医生之一。field of there are good employment opportunities in the field of healthcare, particularly nursing. 在医疗保健行业,尤其是护理行业中,就业机会很多。 branch /brɑːntʃǁbræntʃ/ [countable noun] one part of a large area of study or knowledge [学科或知识的]分支,分支学科 branch of trigonometry is a branch of mathematics. 三角学是数学的分支学科。 he's interested in the branch of international law that deals with war crimes. 他对国际法中有关战争罪行的分支很感兴趣。 world /wɜːʳld/ [countable noun usually singular] an area of activity or work - use this especially when talking about all the people who work in that area [活动、工作的]界,领域[尤用于谈论在该领域中所有的人] business/fashion/hi-tech etc world jaffrii is now one of the richest and most successful men in the business world. 贾弗里现在是商界最富有、最成功的人士之一。 the fashion world 时装界the world of something the fast-paced world of technology 快步发展的技术领域 domain /dəˈmeɪn, dəʊ-/ [countable noun] formal an area of activity, interest, or knowledge to which something belongs 【正式】[某事物在活动、兴趣或知识方面所属的]领域,范围,范畴 the abortion issue has shifted from the political to the religious domain. 堕胎问题已从政治范畴转移到了宗教范畴。male/female domain in the us, manual labor remains a male domain. 在美国,体力劳动仍然是男人的世界。 realm /relm/ [countable noun] formal a general area of thought, interest, or knowledge 【正式】[思想、兴趣或知识的]界,领域,范围 the spiritual realm 精神领域the realm of something new discoveries in the realm of science 科学界的新发现 sphere /sfɪəʳ/ [countable noun] an area of activity, interest, knowledge etc, especially one that people consider should be respected or admired [活动、兴趣、知识等,尤指被认为应该受到尊重或敬仰的]领域,范围 mitchell's greatest achievements have been in the diplomatic sphere. 米切尔的最大成就是在外交领域。in scientific/political etc spheres she has a solid reputation in scientific spheres. 她在科学界享有盛名。 ar·e·a /`ɛrɪə; ˈeəriə/n [c] 1. a particular part of a place, city, country etc 地区; 区域:◇dad grew up in the portland area. 爸爸是在波特兰地区长大的。 2. a part of a house, office, park etc that is used for a particular purpose[作特定用途的]空间,地方:◇their apartment has a large kitchen area. 他们的房子里有很大的厨房间。 3. a particular subject or type of activity 学科; 领域; 范围:◇i have experience in software marketing and related areas. 我具有软件市场及相关领域的经验。 4. the size of a flat surface, calculated by multiplying its length by its width 面积 ☞ area




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