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单词 arduous
释义 arduous /ɑːdjuəs, ɑːdʒuəs; name ɑːrdʒuəs/ involving a lot of physical or mental effort and energy, especially over a period of time艰苦的;艰难的;(尤指)漫长艰巨的◆she was now faced with an arduous trek across the mountains.她当时正面对要翻越大山的艰苦行程。◆an arduous task / process艰巨任务;艰难过程note 辨析 strenuous or arduous? strenuous activity may require more effort than arduous work, but it may take less time. * strenuous 比 arduous 所表达的活动强度更大,但是持续的时间较短◆the exercise need not take long, but it should be fairly strenuous.做这项锻炼的时间不需要很长,但应达到一定强度。arduous/ˈɑ:djuəs;-dʒu-; us -dʒʊ- ||; ˈɑrdʒυəs/adj full of difficulties; needing a lot of effort 艰巨的;费力的: ◇an arduous journey 艰苦的旅程◇arduous work 艰巨的工作 arduoussee ⇨ difficult 3 ar·du·ous /`ɑrdʒəs; ˈɑːdjuəs/adjneeding a lot of effort and hard work 费力的,艰巨的,艰苦的:◇an arduous task 艰巨的任务◇an arduous climb 艰辛的攀登




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