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单词 stack
释义 stack verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤carefully, neatly小心地/整齐地堆放▸➤away, up堆到一边;摞起来◆the wood was collected up and carefully stacked away.木头被收集起来,仔细地堆放到一边。◆stack the chairs up over there.把椅子摞起来放到那里。preposition➤against靠⋯堆◆the cases were stacked against the wall.箱子靠墙堆放着。➤in堆在⋯内◆the paintings were stacked in a corner of the room.油画堆放在房间的一角。➤on堆在⋯上◆the plates were neatly stacked on the draining board.盘子整齐地摞在滴水板上。➤with码放着⋯◆shelves stacked with boxes码放着盒子的架子phrases➤be stacked in piles成堆放◆boxes were stacked in piles all around the room.房间里堆满了一摞摞盒子。 stack /stæk/ noun [countable] 1.a pile of sth, usually neatly arranged 堆;垛◆she keeps neat stacks of fashion magazines on her desk. 她的桌上整齐地摆放着几摞时装杂志。2. (informal) (especially bre) a large number or amount of sth; a lot of sth 大量◆i lost a whole stack of files when my pc crashed. 我的个人电脑死机后丢失了大量档案。◆i've got stacks of work to do. 我有很多工作要做。3. (it 信息技术) a way of storing information in a computer in which the most recently stored item is the first to be retrieved (= found or got back) 堆栈 stack /stæk/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] stack (sth) (up) to arrange objects neatly in a pile; to be arranged in this way 被放成整齐的一堆(或一摞)◆the boxes are stacked up in the warehouse. 那些箱子整齐地堆放在仓库里。◆these containers stack for easy transport. 这些集装箱堆放齐整以便运输。 2. [transitive] to fill sth with piles of things 堆积;码放◆staff stacking shelves in the supermarket 码放货物的超市员工  ➡  shelf-stacker ●stack upto keep increasing in quantity until there is large pile, a long line, etc. waiting to be dealt with 积聚成一大堆(或一长排等)◆the work stacks up when you are away for a few days. 你不在的这几天攒了一大堆工作。●stack up (against sb/sth) (used especially in questions or negative sentences 尤用于疑问句或否定句) to compare with sb/sth else 相比;比得上◆how does their latest model stack up against ours? 他们的最新款式与我们的相比如何?◆let's test them both and see how they stack up. 让我们把两个都测试一下看看哪个更好。☞ stack☞ stackstack [countable] a pile of things, usually one that is neatly arranged(通常指码放整齐的)一叠,一摞,一堆◆he was counting a stack of dollar bills.他正清点一叠钞票。◆she added her tray to the stack.她把自己的托盘和其他托盘摞一块。▸ stack verb [transitive, intransitive] ◆they were busy stacking the shelves with goods.他们正忙着往货架上摆货。◆do these chairs stack?这些椅子能摞起来吗?stackverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆they were busy stacking the shelves with goods.他们正忙着往货架上摆货。◆do these chairs stack?这些椅子能摞起来吗?stackverb [transitive, intransitive] ◆they were busy stacking the shelves with goods.他们正忙着往货架上摆货。◆do these chairs stack?这些椅子能摞起来吗?stack¹/stæk ||; stæk/noun[c] 1. a tidy pile of sth (整齐的)一迭,一堆,一摞: ◇a stack of plates/books/chairs 一迭碟子╱书╱椅子 2. (informal 非正式) (often plural 常用复数) a lot of sth 许多: ◇i've still got stacks of work to do. 我还有许多工作要做。 3. (in geography 地理学) a tall thin part of a cliff that has been separated from the land and stands on its own in the sea (孤零零地耸立于海面的)岩柱 ☞picture at erode 见erode插图 stack²/stæk ||; stæk/verb [t] stack sth (up) to put sth into a tidy pile 摞成整齐的一堆: ◇could you stack those chairs for me? 你替我把那些椅子摞起来好吗? stacksee ⇨ group 12 ⇨ put 4☞ stack¹☞ stack²




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