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单词 guess
释义 guess nounadjective | verb + guess | guess + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤fair, good, reasonable, safe合理的猜测;有把握的猜测◆april is a safe guess for first deliveries.4 月最有可能是第一次交货的时间。➤educated, informed基于知识的/有依据的猜测◆she could make an educated guess as to what was wrong with him.她能够凭知识推断出他哪里有问题。➤rough, wild大概的/胡乱的猜测◆at a rough guess, i'd say we're about twenty miles from home.粗略估算一下,我认为我们离家约有 20 英里。➤correct, lucky正确的猜测;侥幸猜中◆'how did you know?' 'it was just a lucky guess.'“你怎么知道的?”“只不过是侥幸猜中罢了。”➤first, initial最初的/初步的猜测verb + guess➤have, hazard, make, take, venture (especially name) 猜测;冒险猜一下;猜想◆if you don't know the answer, have / take a guess.如果你不知道答案,可以猜一下。◆if i might hazard a guess...如果我可以冒险猜一下的话⋯◆if i had to venture a guess, i'd say this was painted in the 1890s.让我冒昧猜一下的话,我认为这幅画是 19 世纪 90 年代画的。➤give sb让某人猜◆'where's tom?' 'i'll give you three guesses (= the answer is obvious and you should guess it easily)!'“汤姆在哪里?”“我让你猜 3 次!”guess + verb➤be correct, be right猜测正确;猜对了preposition➤at a guess凭猜测◆at a guess, i'd say there's a problem with the fuel pump.我估计燃料泵出了问题。➤guess about, guess as to, guess at对⋯的猜测◆he made a wild guess as to how much the piano might cost.他胡乱地猜了一下钢琴的价格。phrases➤sb's best guess某人的最佳猜测◆what's your best guess on what's going to happen?你认为最可能会发生什么事?➤a guess based on sth基于⋯的猜测◆a guess based on your experience基于你的经验的猜测guess verbadverb | verb + guess | preposition | phrases adverb➤correctly, right猜对;猜中▸➤incorrectly, wrong猜错◆jane had guessed wrong about who was responsible for the fire.简没有猜对谁该对这场火灾负责。➤easily容易猜中◆an easily guessed password容易猜对的字谜verb + guess➤can能猜到◆can you guess his age?你能猜出他的年龄吗?➤can only只能猜测◆we can only guess how fast a dinosaur might have run.我们只能猜测恐龙能跑多快。➤try to试图猜测▸➤be easy to, not be difficult to, not be hard to容易猜测;不难推测◆it's not hard to guess where they went.不难猜到他们去了哪里。preposition➤at猜测⋯◆i was only guessing at her age.我只是在猜测她的年龄。➤from从⋯猜测◆she guessed from his expression that he had not won.她从他的表情推测出他没赢。phrases➤could have guessed, might have guessed, should have guessed本能够/本可以/本应该猜到◆so it was rob who broke the window? i might have guessed!这么说是罗布打碎了窗玻璃?我早就应该猜到的!➤guess again再猜一次◆that's not the answer. guess again.答案不正确。再猜一次。◆if you think i'm lying, well guess again.如果你认为我撒谎,那你就错了。➤if you haven't already guessed如果你没有猜对的话◆if you haven't already guessed, i'm going out with steve.你不知道吧,我要和史蒂夫一起出去。➤i guess so, i guess not我猜想是如此;我不这样认为➤let me guess让我猜一下◆what star sign are you? no, let me guess.你是哪个星座的?别说,让我猜一下。➤you can probably guess, you have probably guessed你很可能猜到;也许你早已猜到◆you can probably guess how she reacted!你或许可以料想到她的反应!➤you'll never guess where, who, how, etc.你永远猜不出在哪里、是谁、怎样等◆you'll never guess who i saw yesterday!你永远猜不到我昨天见到了谁! guess verbguess ♦︎ surmise ♦︎ conjecturethese words all mean to form an idea of what is happening or what is true when you do not have many facts to base this on.这些词均表示猜测、估计。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to guess / surmise / conjecture that...◆to guess / surmise sth from sth◆to guess / surmise / conjecture what / how / why...◆to guess / surmise sth correctly■ guess [intransitive, transitive] to try to give an answer or make a judgement about sth without being sure of all the facts猜测;估计◆i don't really know. i'm just guessing.我并不知道,只是猜测。◆we can only guess at her reasons for leaving.对她离去的原因我们只能猜测。◆he guessed right / wrong.他猜对/错了。◆how old do you think i am? go on, guess!你认为我多大?来吧,猜猜看!◆i guessed from john's expression that something was badly wrong.从约翰的表情看,我猜测发生了严重问题。◆guess who's here!猜猜看谁在这儿!◆we can't begin to guess his reasons.我们真猜不出他的理由是什么。◆what did you get her for christmas? let me guess (= used when you think you probably know).你圣诞节送了她什么?让我猜一下。 ➡ see also guess → speculation noun ■ surmise /səmaɪz; name sərmaɪz/ [transitive] (formal) to guess or suppose sth using the evidence that you have, without definitely knowing推测;猜测◆i surmised that they had been having an argument.我猜测他们刚刚吵了一架。◆what he had done with the money can only be surmised.他用那笔钱做了什么只能猜测。▸ surmise /sɜːmɑɪz; name sɜːrmaɪz/ noun [uncountable, countable, usually singular] ◆this is pure surmise on my part.这纯粹是我的猜测。◆he was glad to have his surmise confirmed.他很高兴他的猜测得到了证实。■ conjecture /kəndʒektʃə(r)/ [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to form an opinion about sth even though you do not have much information about it推测;猜测◆he conjectured that the population might double in ten years.他推测人口在十年后可能会翻倍。◆we can only conjecture about what was in the killer's mind.我们只能猜测当时凶手的想法。 ➡ see also conjecture → speculation noun guess [transitive] to find the right answer to a question or the truth about sth without knowing all the facts猜对;猜中;猜到◆she guessed the answer straight away.她一下子就猜中了答案。◆i guessed, rightly, that the keys would be under the doormat.我猜对了,钥匙在门垫下面。◆you'll never guess where they've gone.你绝对猜不到他们去哪儿了。 ➡ see also guess → speculation noun guess [intransitive, transitive] to try to give an answer or make a judgement about sth without being sure of all the facts猜测;估计◆i don't really know. i'm just guessing.我并不知道,只是猜测。◆we can only guess at her reasons for leaving.对她离去的原因我们只能猜测。◆he guessed right / wrong.他猜对/错了。◆how old do you think i am? go on, guess!你认为我多大?来吧,猜猜看!◆i guessed from john's expression that something was badly wrong.从约翰的表情看,我猜测发生了严重问题。◆guess who's here!猜猜看谁在这儿!◆we can't begin to guess his reasons.我们真猜不出他的理由是什么。◆what did you get her for christmas? let me guess (= used when you think you probably know).你圣诞节送了她什么?让我猜一下。 ➡ see also guess → speculation noun guess [countable] an attempt to give an answer or make a judgement about sth without being sure of all the facts猜测;猜想◆ (bre) go on! have a guess!来呀!猜猜看!◆ (name) take a guess!猜测一下!◆who do you think i saw yesterday? i'll give you three guesses.你猜我昨天看见谁了?我让你猜三次。◆my guess is that not many people will turn out today.我猜想今天不会有许多人到场。◆at a guess, there were about 40 people there.估计那儿有大约 40 人。◆it's probably about 300 kilometres away, but that's just a rough guess.很可能在 300 公里之外吧,不过这只是一个大致的猜测。 ➡ see also guess → estimate verb , guess → guess verb guess [transitive] (usually used in the form i guess 通常用于 i guess 形式) (especially name, spoken) to suppose that sth is true or likely想;认为◆i guess i'm just lucky.我认为我只是幸运而已。◆he didn't see me, i guess.我想他没看见我。ⓘ i guess so is used to agree to a statement, invitation or request, but in a way that shows you are hesitating about it. * i guess so 用于表示同意某种说法、接受邀请或请求,但表现出有些犹豫◆'can i have another cookie?' 'i guess so, but that's the last one.'“我能再吃块曲奇饼吗?”“行吧,不过这是最后一块。”guess¹/ges ||; gɛs/verb1. [i,t] guess (at sth) to try and give an answer or make a judgement about sth without being sure of all the facts 猜想;推测: ◇i'd guess that he's about 45. 依我看,他45岁左右。◇if you're not sure of an answer, guess. 要是你不知道答案,就猜一猜吧。◇we can only guess at her reasons for leaving. 我们只能猜测她离去的原因。 2. [i,t] to give the correct answer when you are not sure about it; to guess correctly 猜中;猜出: ◇can you guess my age? 你猜得出我的年龄吗?◇you'll never guess what adam just told me! 亚当刚才对我说的事,你永远也猜不出来!◇did i guess right? 我猜对了吗? 3. [t] (especially us 尤为美) (informal 非正式) to imagine that sth is probably true or likely 认为大概对;认为可能;以为: ◇i guess you're tired after your long journey. 你走了这么长的路,我想一定累了吧。 [syn] suppose 同义词为suppose 4. [t] used to show that you are going to say sth surprising or exciting (表示要说出乎意料或激动人心的事): ◇guess what! i'm getting married! 猜猜我要告诉你什么来着!我要结婚了! guess²/ges ||; gɛs/noun [c] an effort you make to imagine a possible answer or give an opinion when you cannot be sure if you are right 猜想;推测: ◇if you don't know the answer, then have a guess ! 要是不知道答案,你就猜一猜!◇i don't know how far it is, but at a guess i'd say about 50 miles. 我不知道有多远,但我猜大约是50英里。◇i'd say it'll take about four hours, but that's just a rough guess. 我认为要花四个小时左右,不过这只是约略估计而已。 anybody's/anyone's guess something that nobody can be certain about 大家都拿不准的事: ◇what's going to happen next is anybody's guess. 接下来会发生什么,谁也拿不准。 your guess is as good as mine i do not know 我跟你一样不知道: ◇‘where's ron?’ ‘your guess is as good as mine.’ “罗恩在哪儿?”“我跟你一样不知道。” guess1 to guess something2 what you say when you guess something3 to guess correctly4 to guess incorrectly5 an attempt to guess something6 a guess that is based on very little informationrelated wordssee alsoanswer,think,know/not know,sure/not sure,1. to guess something 猜测某事 guess /ges/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to give an answer or decide that something is probably true, when you do not know enough to be definitely sure 猜,猜测,猜想 are you sure linda's pregnant, or are you just guessing? 你肯定琳达是怀孕了,还是只是猜测? i'm only guessing, but i should think their house is worth over a million. 我只是猜猜,不过我想他们的房子应该值一百多万。 i didn't know all the answers so i just had to guess some of them. 答案我不是全部都知道,所以有些我只能猜了。guess who/what/how etc guess who i saw in town yesterday. 你猜我昨天在镇上看到谁了。 guess how much i paid for this watch! 猜猜我买这块表花了多少钱!guess at we can only guess at the cause of the crash. 我们只能猜测飞机失事的原因。guess (that) sally guessed that he had been drinking for most of the afternoon. 萨莉猜想下午大部分时间他都在喝酒。 detectives guess the attacker must be aged from 25 - 30. 侦探们猜测袭击者的年纪一定是在25岁到30岁之间。 make a guess /ˌmeɪk ə ˈges/ [verb phrase] to guess something, especially when you are trying to answer a question or explain how something might have happened 作猜测[尤指要回答问题或对事情可能是如何发生的作出解释时] i've no idea where i lost the keys. i couldn't even make a guess. 我不知道我把钥匙丢在哪里了,猜也猜不到。make a guess at/about/as to it's possible to make a guess at who the woman in the story might be. 可以猜度故事中的那个女人会是谁。 have a guess british /take a guess especially american /ˌhæv ə ˈges, ˌteɪk ə ˈges/ [verb phrase] to guess an answer, amount, or number - use this especially when you are telling someone to do this 猜一猜,猜猜看[尤用于叫别人猜一猜] ‘how much rent do you pay for your apartment?’ ‘take a guess.’ “你的公寓要交多少房租?”“猜猜看。”have a guess at have a guess at the answer, then check it with your calculator. 猜猜答案是多少,然后用计算器算算,检查一下是否正确。 estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt, ˈestəmeɪt/ [transitive verb] to say how much something will cost, how many of something there are etc, partly by calculating and partly by guessing 估算,估计 estimate (that) police estimate that over 10,000 people took part in the demonstration. 警方估计有一万多人参加了这次示威游行。estimate something at $350/£400 etc his personal fortune is estimated at £150 million. 他的个人财产估计有一亿五千万英镑。 the mechanic estimated the cost of repairs at $350. 机修工估计修理费是350美元。estimate how much/how many etc can you estimate how much fabric you will need for the curtains? 你估算一下做窗帘需要多少面料,好吗 estimated [adjective] more classrooms are urgently needed, at an estimated cost of $300,000. 迫切需要建造更多的教室,估计要30万美元。 put something at /ˈpʊt something æt/ [transitive phrasal verb] put the cost/the value/somebody's age etc at something to guess that the cost, value etc is a particular amount without trying to be very exact 估计花费/价值/某人的年龄等为… i'd put her age at around 35. 我估计她的年龄在35岁左右。 the cost of the war was put at more than $10 billion. 这场战争的耗费估计超过100亿美元。 speculate /ˈspekjɑleɪt/ [intransitive verb] to think about or discuss something in order to guess what its causes or results might be 猜测,推测[可能的原因或结果] we don't know why the prehistoric stone circles were built. we can only speculate. 我们不知道建造史前巨石圈的原因,只能推测。speculate about/on/as to edward began to speculate on what life would be like if he were single again. 爱德华开始推想,如果他恢复单身,生活将会怎样。 people have been speculating about interstellar flight for years. 对于星际飞行人们猜想已久。2. what you say when you guess something 猜测时说的话 my guess is /maɪ ˈges ɪz/ spoken say this when you are telling someone what you think has probably happened or will probably happen 【口】我猜想 my guess is (that) my guess is that they've been delayed in a traffic jam. 我猜他们是遇到交通堵塞耽误了。 my guess is she'll move back to the states after the divorce. 我猜她离婚之后会回美国去。 i bet /aɪ ˈbet/ spoken say this when you are fairly sure that something is true or something is happening, although you cannot prove this 【口】我敢肯定,我敢打赌 he'll be really pleased to see you, i bet! 他看到你一定很高兴,我敢打赌!i bet (that) come and sit down, i bet you're exhausted. 来,坐下吧,你肯定累坏了。 i bet that the meeting will be cancelled again. 我敢肯定,这次会议又要取消了。 off the top of my head /ɒf ðə ˌtɒp əv maɪ ˈhedǁ-ˌtɑːp-/ spoken say this when you are guessing a number or amount and you have not checked it exactly 【口】随口说出 off the top of my head, i think that the figure is about 25%. 我随口说说,我想这个数字是在25%左右。 ‘what's the painting worth?’ ‘three million or so,’ he said, off the top of his head. “这幅画值多少钱?”“300万左右。”他随口说道。3. to guess correctly 猜得正确 guess /ges/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] to guess correctly that something is true, or guess the right answer to something 猜出,猜到,猜对 ‘are you dan's brother?’ ‘yes, how did you guess?’ “你是丹的兄弟吗?”“是呀,你是怎么猜出来的?” luckily, i guessed the right answer and won the prize! 真幸运,我猜对答案得奖了!guess what/who/where etc guy looked at her face, and guessed what she was thinking. 盖伊看着她的脸,猜出她心里在想什么。guess (that) from their behaviour it was easy to guess that they were married. 从他们的行为很容易猜出他们已经结婚了。guess the truth they had already guessed the truth about their son's disappearance. 他们已经猜到了儿子失踪的真相。guess right which hand have i got the chocolate in? if you guess right you can have it. 我哪只手里有巧克力?猜对了就归你。 you're getting warm /jɔːʳ ˌgetɪŋ ˈwɔːʳm/ spoken say this when someone's guess about something is nearly correct 【口】你快猜对了 ‘where are you going? egypt, morocco?’ ‘you're getting warm!’ “你打算去哪里?埃及,摩洛哥?”“你快猜对了!4. to guess incorrectly 猜得不正确 guess wrong /ˌges ˈrɒŋǁ-ˈrɔːŋ/ [verb phrase] to guess incorrectly 猜错 i guessed she was over sixteen, but i guessed wrong. 我猜她超过16岁,但我猜错了。 overestimate /ˌəʊvərˈestɪmeɪt, ˌəʊvərˈestəmeɪt/ [transitive verb] to guess wrongly, by thinking that the amount, level, or cost of something is bigger, more expensive etc than it really is 高估,估计过高 people overestimated the risk of catching the disease. 人们高估了感染这种疾病的风险。overestimate how much/how long etc we overestimated how long the journey would take, and arrived far too early. 我们多估了路上所需的时间,到得太早了。 overestimate /ˌəʊvərˈestɪmət, ˌəʊvərˈestəmət/ [singular noun] we thought the job would cost $5000, but this was an overestimate. 我们以为这项工作要花费5,000美元,不过多估了。 underestimate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt, ˌʌndərˈestəmeɪt/ [transitive verb] to guess wrongly, by thinking that the amount, level, or cost of something is smaller, less expensive etc than it really is 对…估计不足,低估 they underestimated the amount of time it would take to finish the work. 他们少估了完成这项工作所需的时间。underestimate how much/ how long etc you must never underestimate how much i love you. 你切莫低估我有多爱你。how difficult/ how important etc don't underestimate how good the other team is, or how hard they're going to play. 不要低估对方球队的实力,也不要低估他们比赛时的拼劲。badly/greatly underestimate they had badly underestimated how many lifeboats would be needed. 他们严重低估了所需的救生艇的数量。 underestimate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmət, ˌʌndərˈestəmət/ [singular noun] there could be 50 people at the wedding, but this is probably an underestimate. 可能有50人出席婚礼,但可能是低估了。 be wide of the mark /biː ˌwaɪd əv ðə ˈmɑːʳk/ [verb phrase] to guess incorrectly - use this when someone is not at all close to being correct [估计]很离谱,差得远 the movie was expected to gross millions, but that forecast was wide of the mark. 这部影片预计有几百万的收入,但是这个预测太离谱了。be seriously/hopelessly wide of the mark all the opinion polls turned out to be hopelessly wide of the mark. 所有的民意测验都偏差得太厉害了。5. an attempt to guess something 猜测的行为 guess /ges/ [countable noun] an attempt to guess something 猜测 this is only a guess, but i think barbara might have gone to jan's house. 这只是猜测,我想芭芭拉可能去简家了。 i didn't really know the answer. it was just a lucky guess. 我真的不知道答案,只是碰运气猜对了。make a guess i'm not sure why she left him, but i think i can make a guess. 我不确定她为什么离开他,不过我想我可以猜一猜。good guess spoken say this when someone's guess is almost correct 【口】猜得很接近 ‘when was the house built - about 1600?’ ‘that's a good guess - it was 1624.’ “这房子是什么时候建的—1600年左右吗?”“猜得很接近了一是1624年。”i'll give you two/three guesses spoken say this when you think the other person already knows the answer to the question 【口】我让你猜两/三次[用于表示你认为某人已知道答案] ‘who's her new boyfriend then?’ ‘i'll give you three guesses!’ “那么她的新男朋友是谁呢?”“我让你猜三次!”an educated guess ‘did cindy tell you that she's sold the business?’ ‘no, it was just an educated guess.’ “是辛迪告诉你她把公司卖掉的吗?”“不是,只是根据一些事情猜的。” estimate /ˈestɪmət, ˈestəmət/ [countable noun] an opinion about the value, size, speed etc of something that is formed partly by calculating and partly by guessing [对价值、大小、速度等的]估计,估算 according to some estimates, almost two thirds of the city has been destroyed by the earthquake. 根据有些人估计,这个城市近三分之二遭到了地震的破坏。rough estimate an estimate that is not intended to be exact 粗略的估计 these are the figures, but they're only a rough estimate. 就是这些数据,不过只是个粗略的估计。at/as a rough estimate making a rough estimate 按粗略估计 at a rough estimate, staff are recycling less than a quarter of the paper we buy. 粗略估计,员工循环使用的纸张不足我们所购的四分之一。a conservative estimate an estimate that is deliberately low 保守的估计 we're predicting a 10% rise in oil prices -- and that's a conservative estimate. 我们预测油价会上升10%一那是个保守的估计。 guesswork /ˈgeswɜːʳk/ [uncountable noun] when you try to understand something or find the answer to something by guessing, because you do not have all the information you need 猜测,推测 it's important to find out what consumers want to buy, rather than relying on guesswork. 重要的是要弄清楚消费者想要购买什么,而不是光凭主观猜想。 at the beginning, the police investigation was largely based on guesswork. 开始的时候,警方的调查主要依据猜测。it was pure/sheer guesswork spoken use this to say that you found out something by guessing 【口】纯粹的猜测 ‘how did you know where she'd gone?’ ‘it was pure guesswork.’ “你怎么知道她去了哪里的?”“噢,纯属猜测而已。” speculation /ˌspekjɑˈleɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] when a lot of people, especially in newspapers and on television, try to guess what is happening or what will happen because they do not have much definite information [尤指报纸或电视上的]猜测,推测 speculation about there has been a lot of speculation about the date of the next election. 对于下一次选举的日期有很多猜测。 the success of the book was heightened by media speculation about who the characters were in real life. 媒体对于这本书中的人物在现实生活中到底是谁有各种猜测,使这本书更成功了。speculation that a further defeat for the government led to increasing speculation that the prime minister would resign. 政府的进一步失败导致了越来越多的猜测,认为首相可能会辞职。amid speculation (that) the investigation into the crash continued amid speculation that terrorists had destroyed the plane. 关于失事原因的调查继续进行,有人认为是恐怖分子破坏了飞机。wild speculation guesses that are not sensible 胡乱猜测 the wild speculation that surrounded princess diana's death 围绕戴安娜王妃之死的胡乱猜测pure speculation guesses that are not sensible based only on guessing, and not on informaion 纯属猜测 any suggestion of an imminent crash in property prices is pure speculation. 房地产价格即将暴跌的说法纯属猜测。 speculative /ˈspekjɑlətɪvǁ-leɪtɪv/ [adjective] an opinion, explanation etc that is speculative is based on guessing and not on facts [观点、解释等]猜测的 theories of the origin of life are partly speculative. 关于生命起源的理论一部分是猜测。highly speculative based almost completely on guessing and probably not correct 高度猜测的 until further research has been done, any figures that i can give you are highly speculative. 在作进一步的研究之前,我所能给你的数据几乎都是猜测的。entirely/purely speculative based completely on guessing 完全/纯粹猜测的 the papers were full of talk of lucan's whereabouts, all of it entirely speculative. 报纸上满篇都是有关卢肯的下落的报道,这些全部都是猜测。 conjecture /kənˈdʒektʃəʳ/ [uncountable noun] formal guesses that are based on information that is not complete 【正式】猜测,推测 a matter for/of conjecture something that people can try to guess but cannot know 只能靠推测的问题 it's a matter for conjecture who wrote the original text in the fifteenth century. 在15世纪这篇原文由谁所作只能靠推测。pure conjecture based only on guessing, and not on facts 纯属猜测 the judge dismissed the evidence as pure conjecture. 法官认为这个证据纯属猜测,不予考虑。6. a guess that is based on very little information 根据很少的信息所作的猜测 rough guess /ˌrʌf ˈges/ [countable noun usually singular] the answer you give when you are trying to guess a number or amount but are not able to be exact 大概的猜测[指猜数字或数量] i'd say mrs roberts was about 35, but that's only a rough guess. 我想罗伯茨太太大约35岁,但这只是大概的猜测。make/take/have a rough guess it's terribly difficult to calculate, but i could make a rough guess and say the cost will be about half a million. 费用很难计算,但是我可以作一个粗略的估计,大约会是50万。at a rough guess ‘how long will the journey take?’ ‘at a rough guess, about six hours.’ “旅程要多长时间?”“大概的估计是六个小时左右。” hunch /hʌntʃ/ [countable noun] a strange feeling that you know the answer to something, even though you have very little information to help you to guess 直觉 it's just a hunch, but it's possible the murderer may have been a woman. 这只是直觉,不过凶手可能是一个女的。hunch that my hunch that he was lying turned out to be correct. 我的直觉是他在说谎,结果真是这样。have a hunch i have a hunch that jodie may be planning a surprise party. 我有一种直觉,乔迪可能在计划一个惊喜聚会。hunch about ‘how did you know the answer?’ ‘i just had a hunch about it.’ “你是怎么知道答案的?”“我就是有一种直觉。” wild guess /ˌwaɪld ˈges/ [countable noun] a guess, especially an answer, that seems stupid or is very likely to be wrong 胡乱的猜测[尤指答案] this is a wild guess, but is the answer michael jackson? 我只是瞎猜,答案是不是迈克尔·杰克逊? a shot in the dark /ə ˌʃɒt ɪn ðə ˈdɑːʳkǁˌʃɑːt-/ [noun phrase] a guess that you make when you have no information at all, so that it is almost certainly wrong 瞎猜 let's see if she's at fiona's house. it's a shot in the dark, but we've got to start looking somewhere. 我们看看她是不是在菲奥娜家里,我这是瞎猜,但我们总得从什么地方找起。☞ guess¹☞ guess²




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