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单词 guard
释义 guard noun¹ 1person who guards sb/sth守卫者adjective | verb + guard | guard + verb | guard + noun adjective➤armed, uniformed武装警卫;穿制服的守卫◆the building is protected by armed guards.大楼由武装警卫把守。➤border, gate, prison, security边防守卫;门卫;监狱看守;保安➤head警卫长➤personal, private私人警卫➤military军警verb + guard➤post, station布置/驻扎警卫◆guards had been posted all around the tv studio.整个电视演播室周围都设置了警卫。guard + verb➤patrol sth警卫巡查⋯◆guards patrolled the perimeter fence.警卫在四周的围栏边巡逻。➤protect sth警卫保护⋯➤escort sb警卫护送某人➤be on duty警卫执勤guard + noun➤duty警卫任务▸➤dog看门狗guard noun² 2being ready to prevent attack or danger防卫adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤close严密的看守▸➤24-hour, constant, round-the-clock * 24 小时/不间断的/全天守卫▸➤armed武装警戒◆the accused was taken to court under armed guard.被告在武装戒护下到庭。➤heavy严密守卫◆he arrived under heavy guard.他在重重护卫下到达。➤military, police军事/警方护卫preposition➤off (your) guard没有提防◆the question seemed to catch him off his guard.这个问题似乎让他措手不及。◆he caught me completely off guard.他给了我一个措手不及。➤on (your) guard站岗;警惕◆several police officers were on guard outside the factory.几个警察在工厂外警戒。◆he was always on his guard against moneymaking schemes.他对赚钱的计划总是保持着警惕。➤under guard处于看守之下◆the prisoners were under close guard.犯人们受到严密的看守。➤guard against, guard over对⋯的警戒;对⋯的守卫◆two police officers kept guard over the burned-out building.两个警察在烧毁的大楼旁警戒。phrases➤drop your guard放松警惕◆matt relaxed a little, dropping his guard.马特放松了一下,警惕性也降低了。➤keep guard of sth守卫⋯◆would you like me to keep guard of your room?你想让我看护你的房间吗?➤keep your guard up, keep up your guard保持警惕◆no one can keep their guard up all the time.没有人能自始至终保持警惕。➤stand guard站岗◆a solider stood guard outside the palace.一个士兵在宫殿外站岗。guard noun³ 3group of soldiers/policemen who guard sb/sth担负警卫任务的士兵或警察adjective | verb + guard | phrases adjective➤civil, national, palace, presidential, royal国民卫队;国民警卫队;宫廷卫队;总统卫队;皇家卫队➤honour/honor仪仗队▸➤advance先遣部队➤elite精英卫队verb + guard➤change换哨◆the guard was changed every two hours.警卫每两小时换一次岗。➤call out调出警卫◆it would only be a matter of minutes before the alarm was raised and the guard called out.警报响起、警卫出动只需要几分钟时间。phrases➤guard of honour/honor仪仗队◆fellow soldiers formed a guard of honour / honor at his wedding.战友们在他婚礼上组成了一个仪仗队。guard noun⁴ 4cover that prevents injury防止受伤的遮蔽物adjective➤trigger扳机护圈➤fire(室内取暖炉的)炉挡➤shin, shoulder, wrist(运动时戴的)护胫,护肩,护腕guard verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤well安全守卫◆the mountain pass is well guarded.山口的防卫非常严密。➤carefully仔细守护◆a bird carefully guarding its eggs小心护蛋的鸟➤fiercely, jealously拚命地保护;警觉地守护◆she jealously guarded her position of power.她警觉地守护着自己的权位。preposition➤against保护使免受⋯影响◆they guard the city against attack.他们保护城市免受袭击。➤from防止⋯受影响◆pop stars who need to be guarded from their fans需要保护以免受歌迷骚扰的流行歌星phrases➤closely guarded, heavily guarded严密地/重兵守护◆the military base is closely guarded.这个军事基地守卫森严。➤guard sb/sth with your life以生命作代价保护⋯◆he was under instructions to guard the key with his life.他奉命要拼死守住钥匙。➤tightly guarded严密保护的◆tightly guarded privacy受到严密保护的隐私 guard nounguard ♦︎ bodyguard ♦︎ sentry ♦︎ garrison ♦︎ minder ♦︎ bouncer ♦︎ lookoutthese are all words for a person whose job is to protect sb/sth.这些词均表示警卫、看守、保镖。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / an armed / uniformed guard / bodyguard◆to stand guard / sentry◆to post a guard / sentry / lookout◆guard / sentry / garrison duty■ guard [countable] a person, such as a soldier or police officer, who protects a place or people卫兵;警卫;看守◆the border guard checked our papers before waving us through.边防哨兵检查了我们的证件,然后挥手放行。◆she saw the security guards wrestle him to the ground.她看到保安人员将他摔倒在地。ⓘ guard [countable + singular or plural verb] can also mean 'a group of guards'. * guard 亦可指一组保安◆the president always travels with an armed guard (= a group of armed guards).总统总是有武装警卫随行。◆a group of tourists was watching the changing of the guard outside the palace (= when one group of guards replaces another).一群游客正在观看宫殿外的卫队换岗。 ➡ see also guard → watch noun , guard → protect verb ■ bodyguard /bɒdigɑːd; name bɑːdigɑːrd/ [countable + singular or plural verb] a person or group of people whose job is to protect sb, especially sb who is in danger of being attacked by other people保镖;护卫(队)◆a personal bodyguard was assigned to her and is with her day and night.她获派了一名私人保镖,日夜保护她。■ sentry /sentri/ [countable] a soldier whose job is to guard a place, often by standing at its entrance(常指站在关口的)哨兵◆people approaching the gate were challenged by the sentry.接近门口的人受到哨兵的盘查。■ garrison [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of soldiers living in a town or fort in order to defend or control it卫戍部队;驻防部队◆the romans maintained a garrison of 5 000 soldiers in the city.罗马人在那座城中驻军 5 000 人。ⓘ a fort is a building or group of buildings built to defend an area against attack. * fort 指要塞、堡垒。■ minder [countable] (especially bre, rather informal) a person whose job is to protect sb, often a famous person, from danger or public attention(名人的)看护人,保镖,照顾者◆her minders hurried her past the journalists and into a waiting car.保镖簇拥着她从记者旁边匆匆而过,上了等在那里的汽车。■ bouncer [countable] a person employed to stand at the entrance to a club or bar to stop people who are not wanted from going in, and to throw people out if they cause trouble inside(俱乐部或酒吧的)门卫,保安◆the bouncers threw him out when he became aggressive.他开始挑衅时保安把他赶了出来。■ lookout /lʊkaʊt/ [countable] a person who has the responsibility of watching for sth, especially danger监视员;观察员;瞭望员◆one of the men stood at the door to act as a lookout.有一个人站在门口望风。guard [countable] a person, such as a soldier or police officer, who protects a place or people卫兵;警卫;看守◆the border guard checked our papers before waving us through.边防哨兵检查了我们的证件,然后挥手放行。◆she saw the security guards wrestle him to the ground.她看到保安人员将他摔倒在地。ⓘ guard [countable + singular or plural verb] can also mean 'a group of guards'. * guard 亦可指一组保安◆the president always travels with an armed guard (= a group of armed guards).总统总是有武装警卫随行。◆a group of tourists was watching the changing of the guard outside the palace (= when one group of guards replaces another).一群游客正在观看宫殿外的卫队换岗。 ➡ see also guard → watch noun , guard → protect verb guard [transitive] to protect property, places or people from attack or danger警卫,守卫,保卫(财产、地方或人)◆delegates at the conference were guarded by the police.与会者受到警方的保护。◆you can't get in; the whole place is guarded.你进不去的,整个地方戒备森严。◆ (figurative) the recipe is a closely guarded secret.这个秘方受到严密保护。 ➡ see also guard → guard noun , guard → watch noun guard [uncountable] the act or duty of protecting property, places or people from attack or danger; the act or duty of preventing prisoners from escaping警戒;保卫;看守◆two sentries stood on guard (= at their post, on duty).有两个哨兵站岗。◆the escaped prisoner was brought back under armed guard.越狱的囚犯由武装警卫押回。 ➡ see also guard → guard noun , guard → protect verb guard¹/gɑ:d ||; gɑrd/noun1. [c] a person who protects a place or people, or who stops prisoners from escaping 警恒: ◇a security guard 保安人员 ☞ look at warder and bodyguard. 参看warder及bodyguard。 2. [u] the state of being ready to prevent attack or danger 警戒;守恒: ◇soldiers keep guard at the gate. 大门那里有士兵站岗。◇who is on guard ? 谁在值勤?◇the prisoner arrived under armed guard. 犯人由武装人员押送来了。◇a guard dog 看门狗 3. [sing] [with.sop] a group of soldiers, police officers, etc who protect sb/sth 一队警恒: ◇the president always travels with an armed guard. 总统出行总是带着一帮子荷枪实弹的警恒。 4. [c] (often in compounds 常用于构成复合词) something that covers sth dangerous or protects sth 防护装置: ◇a fireguard 炉挡◇a mudguard (= over the wheel of a bicycle) (自行车轮胎上的)挡泥板 5. (us 美 conductor) [c] a person who is in charge of a train but does not drive it 列车长 6. [u] a position that you take to defend yourself, especially in sports such as boxing (尤指拳击等运动中的)防御姿势 off/on (your) guard not ready/ready for an attack, surprise, mistake, etc 没提防,提防(攻击、意外的事、错误等): ◇the question caught me off (my) guard and i didn't know what to say. 这问题问得很突然,我不知道该怎么回答。 guard²/gɑ:d ||; gɑrd/verb[t] 1. to keep sb/sth safe from other people; protect 守恒;保恒: ◇the building was guarded by men with dogs. 这座楼房由几名带狗的男子守恒。 (figurative 比喻) a closely guarded secret 一个严守的秘密 2. to be ready to stop prisoners from escaping 看守(监狱囚犯) guard against sth to try to prevent sth or stop sth happening 防止,预防(某事物发生) guardsee ⇨ protect 1,3,4     • • •• ⇨ be on your guard• ⇨ catch sb off guard☞ guard¹☞ guard²




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