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单词 reasoning
释义 reasoning nounadjective | ... of reasoning | verb + reasoning | reasoning + verb | reasoning + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤careful, sound仔细的推理;合理的推论▸➤circular, faulty, flawed, specious (formal) 循环论证;有漏洞的推理;似是而非的推论▸➤underlying潜在的推论➤abstract抽象的推论▸➤practical可行的推理▸➤logical合乎逻辑的推理▸➤deductive, inductive演绎/归纳推理➤non-verbal, verbal非言语的/口头的推理▸➤ethical, judicial, legal, mathematical, moral, scientific, theological伦理/法庭/法定/数学/道德/科学/神学推理➤human人类的推理... of reasoning➤piece一条推论◆a rather confused piece of reasoning一条缺乏逻辑的推论verb + reasoning➤adopt, apply, employ, use采用推理;运用推理◆the reasoning adopted by the court法庭采用的推理➤follow, understand明白推理;理解论证◆i can't quite follow your reasoning.我不能完全明白你的推理。➤accept接受推理▸➤reject反对推理➤explain解释论证reasoning + verb➤apply推理有效◆the same reasoning applies to the current situation.同样的推理也适用于当前的情况。➤be based on基于⋯的推理◆their reasoning is based on a false analogy.他们的推理是基于一个错误的类比。➤suggest推理表明⋯◆this reasoning suggests the education process is simpler than it actually is.这种推理表明教育过程比实际情况简单。➤lead sb/sth to sth推理导致⋯◆i cannot accept the reasoning that led the trial court to its decision.我不能接受初审法院裁决的推理。reasoning + noun➤process推理过程▸➤ability推理能力preposition➤in your reasoning在推论中◆the circularity in their reasoning他们推论中的循环论证➤reasoning about关于⋯的论证◆reasoning about art关于艺术的论证➤reasoning behind⋯的依据◆many people challenged the reasoning behind the proposal.许多人质疑这项建议的道理。phrases➤a flaw in your reasoning推理中的缺陷▸➤a form of reasoning, a kind of reasoning, a line of reasoning一种/一类/一个推理◆the implication of this line of reasoning is that globalization of capital is destructive.这种推理暗示着资本的全球化是毁灭性的。➤power of reasoning理智◆she seemed to have lost her powers of reasoning.她好像丧失了理智。 reasoning noun  ➡ see also the entry for logic另见 logic 条reasoning ♦︎ thinking ♦︎ thought ♦︎ reflectionthese are all words for the process of thinking about sth in a logical way, or the ideas and opinions that are based on this.这些词均表示推理、理性思考或理性的观点。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆reasoning / thinking / thought / reflections on sth◆thinking / thought / reflections about sth◆the reasoning / thinking / thought behind sth◆current / traditional reasoning / thinking / thought◆critical reasoning / thinking / thought / reflections◆logical / scientific / political reasoning / thinking / thought◆a line of reasoning / thinking / thought■ reasoning [uncountable] (written) the process of thinking about sth in a logical way; the ideas or opinions that are based on this process推想;推理;理性思考;理性的观点◆could you please explain the reasoning behind this decision?您能解释一下作出这个决定的依据吗?◆it was difficult to follow his line of reasoning.很难跟上他的思路。 ➡ see also reason → conclude verb , reasoned → rational ■ thinking [uncountable] a set of ideas or opinions about a subject or problem(对某个主题或问题的)想法,见解◆what is the current thinking on this question?目前对这个问题的看法是什么?■ thought [uncountable] ideas about a subject such as politics or science, especially when these are connected with a particular person, group or period of history(尤指与具体人物、群体或历史时期相关的政治或科学等的)思想,思潮◆there isn't much real evidence relating to early greek thought.与早期希腊思想有关的真正证据并不多。ⓘ in this meaning thought is almost always used after an adjective.表达此义时,thought 几乎总是用于形容词之后。■ reflection [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) your written or spoken thoughts about sth, especially sth you know about or have experienced(尤指关于已知事物或过去经历的)思考,回忆◆she concludes by providing some reflections on the gains of the previous decade.她讲话结束时道出对于过去十年的获益的一些感想。 ➡ see also reflect → consider reasoning [uncountable] (written) the process of thinking about sth in a logical way; the ideas or opinions that are based on this process推想;推理;理性思考;理性的观点◆could you please explain the reasoning behind this decision?您能解释一下作出这个决定的依据吗?◆it was difficult to follow his line of reasoning.很难跟上他的思路。 ➡ see also reason → conclude verb , reasoned → rational reasoning/ˈri:zənɪŋ ||; ˈrizṇɪŋ/noun [u] the process of thinking about sth and making a judgement or decision 推论;推理过程: ◇what's the reasoning behind his sudden decision to leave? 他突然决定离开,背后有什么原因? reasoningsee ⇨ logical 3 rea·son·ing /`rizṇɪŋ; ˈriːzənɪŋ/n [u]the process of thinking carefully about something in order to form an opinion or make a decision 推理,推论:◇a decision based on sound reasoning (=good reasoning) 基于合理推论的决定




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