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单词 private¹
释义 pri·vate¹ /`praɪvɪt; ˈpraɪvɪt/adj 1. for use by only one person or group, not for everyone 私人的,私用的:◇rooms are available for private parties. 有可供私人聚会的房间。 2. private feelings, information etc are secret or personal and not for other people to know about [感情、资料等]秘密的,非公开的,私人的:◇you had no right to look at my private letters. 你无权看我的私人信件。 3. not owned or paid for by the government 私立的,私营的:◇a private school 私立学校 4. not connected with your work 与工作无关的,私人的:◇the president will be making a private visit to mexico. 总统将到墨西哥作私人访问。◇private life (=your life with your family, friends etc when you are not working) 私生活 5. quiet and without other people there 僻静的,安静的,人不多的:◇is there a private corner where we can talk? 有没有一个僻静的角落让我们谈谈?




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