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单词 opposition
释义 opposition noun¹ 1disagreeing with sth/trying to change sth反对adjective | verb + opposition | opposition + verb | opposition + noun | preposition adjective➤bitter, considerable, determined, fierce, serious, stiff, strong, vehement强烈的反对;坚决的反对;激烈的反对▸➤violent粗暴的反对▸➤growing, mounting越来越多的反对▸➤effective, powerful有效的/有力的反对▸➤vocal口头反对▸➤direct截然的对立◆a statement in direct opposition to party policy与政党政策截然相悖的声明➤active积极的抵抗▸➤organized有组织的抵抗▸➤political政治对抗▸➤public公众的反对▸➤widespread广泛的反对verb + opposition➤express, voice表达/提出反对意见◆many people have voiced their opposition to these proposals.许多人表示反对这些提议。➤mount, put up (especially bre) 发起抵抗;提出反对◆they mounted an effective opposition to the bill.他们发起了对此议案的有力抵抗。➤lead领导抵抗力量▸➤arouse, draw激发/引起抵抗▸➤crush, overcome, stifle, suppress, wear down (especially bre) 镇压反对势力;压制反抗势力▸➤be up against, come up against, encounter, face, meet, meet with, run into, run up against (especially bre) 面对反对势力;遇到反对势力;遭遇反对势力◆he is up against stiff opposition from his colleagues.他遭到同事们的坚决反对。➤brook允许反对◆we will brook no opposition to the strategy.我们决不允许对此行动计划有任何异议。➤strengthen增强抵抗▸➤weaken削弱抵抗▸➤drop放弃抵抗◆the democrats are unlikely to drop their opposition to his nomination.民主党不可能放弃抵制他的提名。opposition + verb➤come from sb反对来自某人◆opposition came primarily from students.反对主要来自学生。opposition + noun➤force, group, movement抵抗力量/团体/运动preposition➤against opposition, in the face of opposition面对抵抗◆she won against determined opposition from last year's champion.尽管上届冠军顽强抵抗,她还是赢了。➤despite opposition, in spite of opposition尽管有反对◆the authorities succeeded despite bitter opposition from teachers.尽管教师们强烈反对,当局还是成功了。➤in opposition to为抵抗⋯◆the warring factions had united in opposition to the common enemy.交战各方联合起来反抗共同的敌人。➤opposition from来自⋯的反对◆the proposals met with violent opposition from the environmental lobby.这些提案遭到了环保游说组织的强烈反对。➤opposition to就⋯的反对◆there was fierce public opposition to the plan.该计划遭到了公众的强烈抵制。opposition noun² 2parties not in government在野党adjective | opposition + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤loyal忠实的在野党◆they see their role as a loyal opposition.他们给自己的定位是做忠实的在野党。◆the leader of her majesty's loyal opposition (in the uk) 女王陛下忠实的在野党领袖➤democratic在野民主党opposition + noun➤party在野党▸➤candidate, leader, member, mp (in the uk) , politician, spokesman (especially bre) 在野党候选人/领袖/成员/下院议员/从政者/发言人▸➤bench (in the uk) 在野党席位preposition➤in opposition在野◆the party is now in opposition.该政党现在处于在野地位。phrases➤the leader of the opposition (in the uk) 在野党领袖 opposition nounopposition ♦︎ protest ♦︎ resistance ♦︎ objection ♦︎ hostilitythese are all words for strong disagreement with sb/sth.这些词均表示强烈的反对、反抗、异议。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆opposition / resistance / objection / hostility to sth◆in opposition / protest / objection◆without opposition / resistance / hostility◆widespread / strong / fierce opposition / protests / resistance / objections / hostility◆growing opposition / resistance / hostility◆to provoke / meet with / face opposition / protests / resistance / objections / hostility◆to arouse opposition / resistance / hostility◆to express your opposition / protest / resistance / objections / hostility◆to voice your opposition / protest / resistance / objections■ opposition [uncountable] the act of strongly disagreeing with sb/sth, especially when you try to prevent sth from happening by arguing or fighting(强烈的)反对,反抗,对抗◆delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans.代表强烈反对这些计划。◆the army met with fierce opposition in every town.军队在每一座城镇都遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。◆opposition forces have seized control of the airport.反对势力已经控制了机场。 ➡ see also oppose → oppose , opposed → against sb/sth ■ protest [uncountable, countable] the expression of strong disagreement with sth and the wish to prevent it from happening抗议;反对◆the director resigned in protest at the decision.主任辞职以抗议这项决定。◆the announcement raised a storm of protest.这项声明引起了一场抗议风潮。◆the building work will go ahead, despite protests from local residents.尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样进行。ⓘ a protest can also be an organized public meeting to protest about sth. * protest 亦可指抗议集会。  ➡ see also protest → demonstration , protest → complain verb ■ resistance [uncountable, singular] dislike of, opposition to, or refusal to obey an idea, plan or law; the act of using force to oppose sb/sth反对;抵制;抵抗;反抗◆resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.拒绝变革几乎毁了这个行业。◆the demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police.示威者几乎没有对警察作任何反抗。◆armed resistance武装反抗 ➡ see also resist → oppose , resist → resist , resistant → against sb/sth ■ objection [uncountable, countable] a reason why you do not like or are opposed to sth; a statement about this反对的理由;反对;异议◆i have no objection to him coming to stay.我不反对他来小住。◆because an objection was raised we decided to look at the matter again.因为有人提出了异议,我们决定再仔细研究一下这件事。 ➡ see also object → complain verb ■ hostility /hɒstɪləti; name hɑːstɪləti/ [uncountable] strong and angry opposition towards an idea, plan or situation(对思想、计划或情形的)愤怒反对,愤怒反抗◆there is still considerable public hostility towards nuclear power.仍有不少民众对核能抱着强烈反对的态度。  ➡ see also hostile → against sb/sth , hostility → tension opposition [uncountable, countable] (formal) the state of being as different as possible; two things that are as different as possible对立;对立的事物◆many fairy stories are based on the opposition between good and evil.许多童话故事是以善与恶的对立为基础的。◆his poetry is full of oppositions and contrasts.他的诗歌充满了对立与反差。opposition [uncountable] the act of strongly disagreeing with sb/sth, especially when you try to prevent sth from happening by arguing or fighting(强烈的)反对,反抗,对抗◆delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans.代表强烈反对这些计划。◆the army met with fierce opposition in every town.军队在每一座城镇都遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。◆opposition forces have seized control of the airport.反对势力已经控制了机场。 ➡ see also oppose → oppose , opposed → against sb/sth opposition/ˌɒpəˈzɪʃn ||; ˌɑpəˈzɪʃən/noun[u] 1. opposition (to sb/sth) the feeling of disagreeing with sth and the action of trying to change it 反对;对抗: ◇he expressed strong opposition to the plan. 他对那个计划表示强烈反对。 2. the opposition [sing] the person or team who you compete against in sport, business, etc (体育运动、生意等的)对手: ◇we need to find out what the opposition is doing. 我们须要搞清对手在做什么。 3. the opposition [sing] the politicians or the political parties that are in parliament but not in the government 在野党;反对党;反对党议员: ◇the leader of the opposition 反对党领袖◇opposition mps 反对党议员 in numbers 2. and 3., opposition can be used with either a singular or a plural verb. 第2.、3.义项中,opposition可与单数或复数动词连用。oppositionsee ⇨ against/oppose 3 ⇨ play a game or sport 5     • • •• ⇨ the opposition op·po·si·tion /ˏɑpə`zɪʃən; ˌɒpəˈzɪʃən/n [u] 1. when people disagree strongly with something 强烈反对:◇+ to opposition to the war 反战 2. the opposition the person, team, company etc that you are trying to defeat or be more successful than 对手 3. the opposition bre the second biggest political party in parliament, which is not in the government 【英】 反对党,在野党 ☞ opposition




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