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单词 shatter
释义 shatter verb¹ 1break into very small pieces破成碎片adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤completely粉碎preposition➤into碎成⋯◆the bottle shattered into little shards of glass.瓶子摔成了玻璃碎片。phrases➤shatter (sth) into pieces(使⋯)粉碎◆the mirror shattered into a thousand pieces.镜子摔得粉碎。shatter verb² 2destroy sth completely完全损坏adverb➤completely完全损坏◆an event that completely shattered her life彻底毁了她一生的一件事➤abruptly, instantly, suddenly突然摧毁;即刻损坏◆the moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of mia's loud voice.那一刻突然被米娅的一声大叫给搅了。➤brutally, rudely残忍地/粗暴地破坏shatter [intransitive, transitive] to suddenly break into small pieces; to make sth do this破碎;碎裂;使破碎◆he dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor.他一失手把花瓶掉在地板上摔碎了。◆the explosion shattered all the windows in the building.那次爆炸把大楼里所有的玻璃窗都给震碎了。◆shattered homes were ablaze.炸毁的房屋在熊熊燃烧。note 辨析 smash or shatter?people smash things deliberately; things get shattered as a result of explosions, flying bullets, stones, etc. * smash 指故意把物品打碎或砸烂,be shattered 则指物品因遭遇爆炸、流弹或飞石等而破碎◆the thief smashed a window to get into her car.小偷砸碎车窗钻进了她的汽车。◆the thief shattered a window to get into her car. ◆windows were shattered in the blast.爆炸中玻璃窗被震得粉碎。◆windows were smashed in the blast. shatter/ˈʃætə(r) ||; ˈʃætɚ/verb1. [i,t] (used about glass, etc) to break or make sth break into very small pieces (指玻璃等)(使)粉碎,破碎: ◇i dropped the glass and it shattered on the floor. 我把玻璃杯掉到地板上打碎了。◇the force of the explosion shattered the windows. 爆炸的威力把窗户都震破了。 2. [t] to destroy sth completely 彻底摧毁;粉碎: ◇her hopes were shattered by the news. 她的希望被那个消息粉碎了。 shattersee ⇨ break 5,6,9 shat·ter /`ʃætə; ˈʃætə/v 1. [i,t] to break suddenly into very small pieces, or to make something do this (使)粉碎,(使)破碎:◇the mirror shattered into a thousand pieces. 镜子粉碎了。 2. [t] to completely destroy something, especially someone's hopes or beliefs 使破灭,粉碎[希望、信仰等]:◇an injury shattered his hopes of a baseball career. 一次受伤击碎了他想当棒球员的希望。




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