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单词 people
释义 people noun¹ 1more than one person不止一人adjective | verb + people adjective➤young年轻人➤elderly, old长者;老人➤common, normal, ordinary普通人;老百姓➤real真实的人◆all the characters in the book are based on real people.书中的所有人物都是以真人为原型塑造的。➤important重要的人◆a line of limousines carrying very important people一排载有极重要人物的豪华轿车➤famous名人➤middle-class, working-class中产阶级/工薪阶层人士➤business, professional, working商人;职业人士;劳动者➤unemployed失业者➤poor穷人➤rich, wealthy富人➤blind, deaf, disabled盲人;聋人;残疾人◆access for disabled people残疾人通道➤gay同性恋者➤innocent无辜的人◆many innocent people were killed.许多无辜的人丧生。➤healthy, sick健康的人;病人➤vulnerable (especially bre) 易受伤害的人➤homeless无家可归者➤happy幸福的人➤creative, intelligent, smart, talented有创造力的/聪明的/机灵的/有才华的人➤stupid蠢人➤decent, good, interesting, lovely, nice, wonderful体面的/善良的/有趣的/可爱的/友好的/了不起的人➤bad坏人➤strange怪人➤single单身族verb + people➤meet结识人➤attract吸引人◆the local tourist board is trying to attract more people to the town.当地旅游局正努力吸引更多的人到该镇来。people noun² 2of a particular place/race地区;种族adjective | verb + people | phrases adjective➤local当地人➤country乡下人➤indigenous, native原住民;本地人➤primitive原始人◆these artists derived much of their imagery from the art of so-called primitive peoples.这些艺术家作品中的意象很多是源自所谓的原始人艺术创造。➤tribal部落中的人➤nomadic游牧民族➤aboriginal, arab, japanese, slavic, etc.原住民、阿拉伯人、日本人、斯拉夫人等◆the culture of the basque people巴斯克人的文化➤black, white黑人;白人➤diverse不同民族◆australia is a collectivity of diverse peoples.澳大利亚是多元民族的集合体。➤civilized文明人➤oppressed被压迫者➤marginalized被边缘化的人➤colonial, colonized, conquered殖民地人民;被征服民族➤displaced流离失所的人➤prehistoric史前人verb + people➤represent代表人民◆i was elected to represent the people of bristol.我被选为布里斯托尔居民的代表。➤bring together, unite将人们凝聚在一起;团结民众◆the eu was intended to unite the peoples of europe.欧盟的目的是要团结欧洲各国人民。phrases➤the peoples of the world世界各民族 people /piːpl/ noun [plural] the men and women who work for a particular person or organization (为某人或某机构工作的)人员◆our people are all highly trained. 我们的人都训练有素。☞ peoplepeople noun 1➤young/working-class/disabled people年轻人;劳动大众;残疾人➤tribal peoples各部落  ➡ see also the entry for person另见 person 条people ♦︎ folkthese words are both used to refer to people in general.这两个词均表示人们。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆young / elderly / old / rich / poor / black / white people / folk◆common / ordinary / working / working-class / everyday people / folk◆decent / good / honest / law-abiding / friendly people / folk◆city / country / local people / folk■ people [plural] more than one person; persons in general; everyone人;人们;大家◆at least ten people were killed in the crash.至少十人在这场相撞事故中遇难。◆many young people are out of work.很多年轻人失业。◆he doesn't care what people think of him.他不在意人们怎么看他。◆she tends to annoy people.她往往惹人生气。■ folk /fəʊk; name foʊk/ (also folks, especially in name) [plural] (informal) people in general人们◆it's the ordinary everyday folk who come to shop at the market.来市场购物的都是普罗大众。◆i'd like a job working with old folk or kids.我想找一份和老人或孩子打交道的工作。◆ (name) folks say that he is a hard man.据说他不近人情。 ➡ see also folks → mother people noun 2➤young/working-class/disabled people年轻人;劳动大众;残疾人➤tribal peoples各部落people ♦︎ race ♦︎ nationality ♦︎ tribe ♦︎ clan ♦︎ ethnic groupthese are all words for a group of people from the same place, or belonging to the same nation, race or culture.这些词均表示人民、国民或种族、民族。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a race / tribe / clan of sth◆from a race / a tribe / a clan / an ethnic group◆between peoples / races / nationalities / tribes / clans / ethnic groups◆among peoples / races / ethnic groups◆different / other peoples / races / nationalities / tribes / clans / ethnic groups◆a minority people / nationality / tribe / ethnic group◆a local people / tribe / clan / ethnic group◆to belong to a race / a nationality / a tribe / a clan / an ethnic group■ people [countable] all the men, women and children who live in a particular place or belong to a particular nation, race or culture(统称)人民,国民;种族;民族◆the organization campaigns for the rights of tribal peoples.该组织为各部落应得的权利而战。◆the book contains translations of folk poetry of the slav peoples.本书是斯拉夫民族民间诗歌的译本。◆we should strive for peace among the peoples of the world.我们应该为世界各族人民的和平而努力。■ race [countable, uncountable] one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to their physical differences, for example the colour of their skin人种;种族◆this custom is found in people of all races throughout the world.这种习俗全世界各种族都有。◆black and mixed race (= with parents of different races) employees complained of harassment.黑人和混合种族的雇员抱怨说受到侵扰。◆there is legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex.有立法禁止种族和性别歧视。◆immigration and race relations were key political issues at the time.移民和种族关系是当时的主要政治问题。 ➡ see also race → culture , the human race → man 2 , racial → cultural , racism → racism ■ nationality /næʃənæləti/ [countable] a group of people with the same language, culture and history, who form part of a political nation(构成国家一部份的)民族◆the city is home to more than a hundred nationalities.这个城市有一百多个民族。■ tribe [countable] (sometimes offensive) (in developing countries or in the past) a group of people of the same race, and with the same language, customs and religion, living in a particular area and often led by a chief(发展中国家或旧时的)部落◆she went to live with a nomadic tribe in mongolia.她去蒙古和一个游牧部落一起生活。ⓘ the word tribe was used in the past to describe a group of people living together in a simple society with little or no industry. tribe is still sometimes used to describe groups in developing countries, especially where they continue to live in a traditional way, often separate from other people. some people find the term tribe offensive, because it suggests simple people who are not civilized. ethnic group is now becoming more frequent.过去 tribe 一词指生活在工业不发达或无工业的简单社会的部落,现在这个词有时仍用于描述发展中国家的群体,尤指那些延续传统生活方式、与世隔绝的群体。有些人觉得 tribe 一词因含有“不具备文明素质的简单民族”之义,令人反感。ethnic group 现在越来越常用。  ➡ see also tribal → cultural ■ clan [countable + singular or plural verb](especially in scotland in the past) a group of families who are related to each other and live together in a social group(尤指旧时苏格兰的)宗族,氏族,家族◆his grandfather was a descendant of the guthrie clan in scotland.他的祖父是苏格兰格思里家族的后裔。■ ethnic group --> [countable] a group of people from the same race, tribe or nation族群;种族社群◆the school has a large number of students from different ethnic groups.这所学校有很多不同民族的学生。ⓘ ethnic group is often used as a general word to describe a person's race or nationality. when talking about a group of people living in a place where most people are from a different race and/or nationality, the terms minority ethnic group or ethnic minority are often used. * ethnic group 含义很广,常指一个人的种族或民族。表示少数民族常用 minority ethnic group 或 ethnic minority。  ➡ see also ethnic → cultural people [transitive, usually passive] (written) to live in a place or environment or fill it with people居住在;把⋯挤满人;住满居民◆the town was peopled largely by workers from the car factory and their families.这个镇上的居民大多是汽车厂的工人及其家属。◆her novels are peopled with interesting, complex characters.她的小说里充满了有趣而复杂的人物。people [plural] more than one person; persons in general; everyone人;人们;大家◆at least ten people were killed in the crash.至少十人在这场相撞事故中遇难。◆many young people are out of work.很多年轻人失业。◆he doesn't care what people think of him.他不在意人们怎么看他。◆she tends to annoy people.她往往惹人生气。people [countable] all the men, women and children who live in a particular place or belong to a particular nation, race or culture(统称)人民,国民;种族;民族◆the organization campaigns for the rights of tribal peoples.该组织为各部落应得的权利而战。◆the book contains translations of folk poetry of the slav peoples.本书是斯拉夫民族民间诗歌的译本。◆we should strive for peace among the peoples of the world.我们应该为世界各族人民的和平而努力。people/ˈpi:pl ||; ˈpipḷ/noun1. [pl] more than one person 人;人们: ◇how many people are coming to the party? 这个聚会有多少人要来参加? ☞be careful. people is almost always used instead of the plural form persons. persons is very formal and is usually used in legal language persons under the age of sixteen are not permitted to buy cigarettes. 注意:people一词几乎总是用于代替persons这个复数形式。persons为非常正式的词,通常用于法律用语:persons under the age of sixteen are not permitted to buy cigarettes.十六岁以下者不准购买香烟。 2. [c] (plural peoples) (formal 正式) all the men, women and children who belong to a particular place or race 人民;民族;种族: ◇the president addressed the american people. 总统向美国人民发表演说。◇the french-speaking peoples of the world 世界上说法语的民族 3. [pl] men and women who work in a particular activity 从事某项活动的人: ◇business/sports people 商界╱体育界人士 4. the people [pl] the ordinary citizens of a country (一个国家的)国民,民众,寻常百姓: ◇the president is popular because he listens to the people. 这位总统很得民心,因为他倾听民众意见。 ☞ person/people☞ people¹☞ people²




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