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单词 over²
释义 over²adv 1. down from an upright position 倒下:◇kate fell over and hurt her ankle. 凯特跌了一跤,弄伤了脚踝。◇i saw him push the bike over. 我看到他把脚踏车推倒。 2. to a particular place 到[某处]:◇come over tomorrow and we'll go shopping. 明天过来,我们去购物。 3. above or higher than something 在上方,在上面:◇you can't hear anything when the planes fly over. 上面有飞机飞过的时候什么也听不见。 4. (all) over again once more from the beginning 从头再一次,重新:◇the computer lost all my work, and i had to do it all over again. 电脑把我做的工作全都丢失了,我只得重新再做一次。 5. over and over (again) repeatedly 反复地,再三地:◇he made us sing the song over and over until we got it right. 他要我们反复地唱这首歌,直到唱对了为止。 6. start over ame to start doing something once more from the beginning 【美】 从头再开始,重新开始 7. do it over ame to do something again, especially because you did it wrongly the first time 【美】 [尤指第一次做错了而]再来一次 8. think/talk sth over to think or talk about something carefully before deciding what to do 仔细考虑/讨论某事:◇think it over, and give us your answer tomorrow. 好好想想,明天给我们答复。 9. roll/turn/flip etc (sth) over move something so that another side of it is showing (把某物)翻过来:◇he rolled over and went to sleep. 他翻过身睡了。 10. more or higher than a particular amount, number, or age [数量、数字或年龄]更大; 更多:◇a game for children aged 6 and over 供六岁及六岁以上儿童玩的游戏




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