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单词 bog
释义 bog nounadjective | verb + bog | preposition adjective➤vast大片沼泽▸➤stagnant死水泥沼▸➤peat泥炭沼verb + bog➤sink into陷入沼泽◆the more she struggled the deeper she sank into the bog.她越挣扎,在沼泽里就陷得越深。preposition➤in a/the bog在沼泽里◆he found himself in a vast stagnant bog.他发现自己陷在一大片死水泥沼里。➤through a/the bog穿越沼泽◆i found myself walking through a bog.我发现自己正走过一片沼泽。 bog [countable, uncountable] an area of soft wet ground, formed from decaying plants(植物腐烂形成的)沼泽地◆we collected several interesting specimens from the bog.我们从那个沼泽地采集了几种有趣的标本。◆there was an area of bog behind the house.房子后面有一片沼泽地。▸ boggy adverb◆the path through the moorland is boggy but still in use.穿过高沼地的小路泥泞不堪,但仍在使用。bog/bɒg ||; bɑg/noun [c,u] an area of ground that is very soft and wet 沼泽: ◇a peat bog 泥炭沼泽 bog• ⇨ loo/bog☞ bog¹☞ bog²




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