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单词 swoop
释义 swoop verbadverb | preposition adverb➤low飞扑下来◆an eagle swooped low over the trees.一只老鹰掠过树梢飞扑下来。➤suddenly突然俯冲▸➤down, in俯冲下来/进来preposition➤into, on, over, through, towards/toward突然冲进⋯;突击搜查⋯;猛冲到⋯上方;猛地穿过⋯;朝⋯俯冲◆customs officers swooped on several houses last night looking for drugs. (figurative) 海关关员昨晚突击检查了几所房子,搜查毒品。swoop/swu:p ||; swup/verb[i] 1. to fly or move down suddenly 飞扑;俯冲: ◇the bird swooped down on its prey. 那只鸟突然俯冲扑向猎物。 2. (used especially about the police or the army) to visit or capture sb/sth without warning (尤指警察或军队)突然袭击、拘捕或攻占: ◇police swooped at dawn and arrested the man. 警察于黎明时分出击,拘捕了那个男子。 swoop noun [c]: a swoop (on sb/sth) swoop /swup; swuːp/v 1. [i] to suddenly and quickly move through the air, especially to attack something [尤指为了袭击]突然飞下,猛扑,猛冲:◇+ down/through etc the hawk hovered for a moment in the air and then swooped down. 鹰在空中盘旋了一阵子,然后突然俯冲下来。 2. to make an unexpected attack 突然袭击:◇+ on/in police swooped on the house and made several arrests. 警方突袭那所房子并拘捕了几个人。 swoopn [c]




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