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单词 seal
释义 seal noun¹ 1animal动物adjective | verb + seal | seal + verb | seal + noun adjective➤baby小海豹verb + seal➤hunt捕猎海豹➤club用棍棒打海豹◆the ad criticized hunters for clubbing baby seals.这则广告谴责用棍棒击杀小海豹的捕猎者。➤cull (especially bre) 选择性捕杀海豹◆environmentalists claim there is no reason to cull seals.环保主义者称没有理由对海豹进行选择性捕杀。seal + verb➤bask海豹晒太阳seal + noun➤pup小海豹➤colony海豹群▸➤cull (especially bre) 对海豹的选择性捕杀➤hunt猎杀海豹seal noun² 2for a document文件adjective | verb + seal | phrases adjective➤wax蜡封◆an official-looking letter with a wax seal带有蜡封、看上去正式的信件➤presidential, privy, royal总统/私人/王室印章verb + seal➤break开封条◆he broke the seal and opened the envelope.他撕下封条,拆开了信封。phrases➤a/the/sb's seal of approval正式批准◆her report was given the seal of approval by senior management.她的报告得到了高级管理层的正式批准。seal verbadverb | preposition adverb➤carefully, properly, tightly, well仔细密封;妥善密封;牢牢封住;封严实◆the containers must be carefully sealed so that no air can get in.这些容器必须仔细密封,以防空气进入。➤completely完全密封◆the unit is completely sealed.这个装置处于完全密封状态。➤virtually实际上密封▸➤effectively有效地密封▸➤hermetically真空密封◆a hermetically sealed container真空密封的容器➤away, in, off, up封闭;封闭在里面;封锁;封上◆police sealed off the area.警察封锁了该地区。preposition➤from使与⋯隔绝◆the nuclear plant would be effectively sealed off from the world.该核电厂将与外界完全隔离开。➤with用⋯密封◆he sealed the bag tightly with tape.他用胶带将袋子牢牢封住。 seal /siːl/ verb [transitive] close packaging (= material used to wrap or protect goods) so that the contents cannot get out 封闭◆heat is applied to seal the shrink-wrap. 热缩塑料薄膜包装需要加热来封口。 close an envelope by sticking the edges of the opening together 封上(信封)◆make sure you've signed the form before sealing the envelope. 确保在封上信封之前你已经在表格上签了名。 make sth definite and final, so that it cannot be changed or argued about 使成定局◆they hope to seal the deal with a cash offer of €35 per share. 他们希望以每股 35 欧元的现金出价敲定这笔交易。  ➡  idiom at sign verb ●seal sth into prevent sth that is contained in sth else from escaping 把…封在里边◆the food is frozen quickly to seal in the flavour. 食品被速冻以便保存其原有风味。 self-seal seal /siːl/ noun1. [countable] a substance, strip of material, etc. used to fill a crack so that air, liquid, etc. cannot get in or out 密封垫(或带等)◆make sure the seal is intact before closing the lid, or air will escape. 在盖上盖子以前,确保密封垫完好无损,否则会漏气。2. [countable] a piece of paper, metal, etc. that is placed across the opening of sth such as a letter, a box, etc. and which has to be broken before the letter or box can be opened 封条3. [countable] an official design or mark, stamped on a document to show that it is genuine and carries the authority of a particular person or organization 印章;印记4. [singular] a thing that makes sth definite 表示确认的事物;保证◆the ceo has given the project his seal of approval. 首席执行官已经正式批准了这个项目。 ●under seal (law 法律) (formal) (about a document) that cannot be copied or made available to the public (文件)密封☞ seal☞ sealseal [transitive, often passive] to close a container tightly or fill a crack or hole, especially so that air or liquid cannot get in or out密封(容器)◆the containers must be carefully sealed so that no air can get in.这些容器必须仔细封好,不能让空气进去。◆the windows and doors had been sealed up with bricks.门窗已经用砖块封严了。◆the samples are kept in sealed plastic bags.这些样本保存在密封的塑料袋里。seal [transitive](of the police or army) to stop people from passing through a place, especially a border(警察或军队)关闭,封闭,封锁(尤指边界)◆troops have sealed the border between the countries.军队已经关闭两国边界。seal [countable] an official design or mark, stamped on a document to show that it is genuine and carries the authority of a particular person or organization印章;图章;玺;印记◆the letter bore the president's seal.信上盖有总统的印章。seal¹/si:l ||; sil/noun[c] 1. a grey animal with short fur that lives in and near the sea and that eats fish. seals have no legs and swim with the help of short flat arms(flippers). 海豹 2. an official design or mark that is put on a document, an envelope, etc to show that it is genuine or that it has not been opened 封蜡;火漆 3. a small piece of paper, metal, plastic, etc on a packet, bottle, etc that you must break before you can open it 封口;封条 4. something that stops air or liquid from getting in or out of something 封塞;封口: ◇the seal has worn and oil is escaping. 封口破损了,油正往外渗漏。 seal²/si:l ||; sil/verb[t] 1. seal sth (up/down) to close or fasten a package, envelope, etc 封;封装: ◇the parcel was sealed with tape. 那个包裹已用胶带封好了。◇to seal (down) an envelope 给信封封口 2. seal sth (up) to fill a hole or cover sth so that air or liquid does not get in or out 封闭;密封: ◇the food is packed in sealed bags to keep it fresh. 食物装在密封的袋子里以保鲜。 3. (formal 正式) to make sth sure, so that it cannot be changed or argued about 保证;确认: ◇to seal an agreement 签署一项协议 seal sth off to stop any person or thing from entering or leaving an area or building 封锁;封闭: ◇the building was sealed off by the police. 警方封锁了大厦。 sealsee ⇨ shut 6☞ seal¹☞ seal²




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