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单词 knack
释义 knack nounadjective | verb + knack | preposition adjective➤real真本领▸➤amazing, incredible, uncanny惊人的/令人难以置信的/神奇的本领▸➤happy, unfortunate (both bre) 幸福的/不幸的习惯◆he had the unfortunate knack of making enemies in the party.不幸的是,他总是在党内树敌。verb + knack➤have有技巧▸➤demonstrate, display, show展现/显示/表现本领▸➤acquire, develop, get掌握技能;摸到窍门◆once you get the knack, it's easy.你一旦掌握了窍门就容易了。➤lose失去技能◆i don't cook much these days and i think i may have lost the knack.最近不经常做饭,我想也许都忘了该怎么做了。preposition➤knack for⋯的技巧◆a woman with a real knack for handling horses深谙驭马之道的女子➤knack of⋯的技巧◆he has the knack of scoring just when it's most needed.他拥有在最为需要的时刻得分的本事。➤knack to⋯的窍门◆making omelettes isn't difficult, but there's a knack to it.做煎蛋饼不难,但有窍门。knack /næk/ (rather informal) a special skill that you have naturally or can learn(天生或可习得的)技能,本领◆it's easy, once you've got the knack.你一旦掌握了这种技能就容易了。◆he had a knack for picking winners.他有预测胜利者的本领。knack/næk ||; næk/noun [sing] (informal 非正式)knack (of/for doing sth) skill or ability to do sth (difficult) that you have naturally or you can learn 本领;技巧;窍门: ◇knitting isn't difficult once you've got the knack of it. 编织并不困难,只要掌握窍门就行了。 knack• ⇨ have a knack knack /næk; næk/n [singular 单数]informal the ability to do something well 【非正式】 技能,本领:◇harry has the knack of making friends wherever he goes. 哈里真有本事,他跑到哪儿都能交上朋友。




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