单词 | fasten/unfasten |
释义 | fasten/unfasten1 to fasten something2 to unfasten somethingrelated wordssee alsotight,tie/untie,attach,join,stick,clothes,1. to fasten something 系牢某物 fasten /ˈfɑːsənǁˈfæ-/ [transitive verb] to join together the two sides of a piece of clothing, bag, belt etc, so that it is closed 扎牢;系牢;扣住;闩住 fasten your coat - it's cold outside. 把外套扣上,外面冷。 he fastened the bracelet for her. 他为她扣上手镯。 ella fastened her blouse with shaking fingers. 埃拉手指颤抖着扣好衬衫。 fastened [adjective not before noun] please keep your seat belts fastened. 请系好安全带。 button/button up /ˈbʌtn, ˌbʌtn ˈʌp/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] to fasten the buttons on a piece of clothing 把…的纽扣扣上 he began buttoning his shirt and putting on his tie. 他开始扣上衬衫纽扣,系上领带。 stone buttoned up his heavy jacket. 斯通扣上他那件厚厚的夹克。button something up/button up something she buttoned her cardigan up all the way to her neck. 她把羊毛衫一直扣到脖子。 i adjusted my tie and buttoned up my coat. 我正了一下领带并扣上外套。 buttoned up [adjective] it was cold and his coat was completely buttoned up. 天气寒冷,他的外套扣子全都扣上了。 zip up [transitive phrasal verb] also zip /ˌzɪp ˈʌp, zɪp/ [transitive verb] especially american to fasten clothes, bags etc with a zip 拉上[拉链] i can't zip up these jeans - they're too tight. 我拉不上牛仔裤拉链,裤子太紧了。 can you zip my dress for me? 你能为我拉上连衣裙的拉链吗?zip something up she took some money out of her purse and quickly zipped it up again. 她从手提包里取出一些钱,又很快拉好拉链。zip up something roger zipped up the battered black case he carried his guitar in. 罗杰拉上破旧的黑色吉他匣套的拉链。 zipped up [adjective not before noun] my sleeping bag was fully zipped up. 我的睡袋全部拉上了。 do up /ˌduː ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] british especially spoken to fasten clothes, or the buttons, zips etc on clothes 【英,尤口】系住;扣住,拉上[衣服、纽扣或拉链等] do up something come on then, do up your coat and let's go. 快点,扣好外套我们走吧。 when i walked into the room, allen was doing up his trousers. 我进房间时,艾伦正在拉裤子拉链。do something up i can't do this zip up - it's stuck. 我拉不上拉链,它卡住了。 are your shoelaces done up properly? 你的鞋带系好了吗? done up /ˌdʌn ˈʌp/ [adjective not before noun] the toggles on his duffel coat were done up wrongly. 他那连帽粗呢外套上的栓扣没扣对。 tie /taɪ/ [transitive verb] to fasten something by making a knot 打结系上 she tied a scarf around her neck. 她在脖子上系了条围巾。 do you know how to tie a bow tie? 你知道怎么打蝶形领结吗? buckle up [intransitive phrasal verb] also buckle [transitive verb] american /ˌbʌkəl ˈʌp, ˈbʌkəl/ to fasten your seatbelt in a car 系上,扣上[汽车上的安全带] eighty percent of motorists now buckle up, studies show. 研究显示现在80%的驾车者都系安全带。 nancy got behind the wheel and buckled up. 南希坐到驾驶座上,系上了安全带。 the new law will require passengers in the rear seats of automobiles to buckle their seatbelts. 这条新法令要求汽车后座上的乘客系安全带。2. to unfasten something 解开某物 unfasten /ʌnˈfɑːsənǁ-ˈfæ-/ [transitive verb] to open the two sides of a piece of clothing, bag, belt etc 解开,松开[衣服、皮带等];打开[包等] it was hot in the waiting-room, so i unfastened my coat. 等候室里很热,因此我就解开了外衣。 jack unfastened his seatbelt and stepped out of the car. 杰克解开安全带走出汽车。 unfastened [adjective not before noun] the back of her dress was unfastened. 她连衣裙的背面松开了。 undo /ʌnˈduː/ [transitive verb] to unfasten clothes or unfasten buttons, zips etc on clothes 解开,松开[衣服或衣服上的扣子、拉链等] my fingers were so cold that i couldn't undo the buttons. 我手指冻得解不开纽扣了。 rosie undid her necklace and put it on the bedside table. 罗茜解下项链把它放到床头柜上。 undone /ʌnˈdʌn/ [adjective not before noun] your zip's undone! 你的拉链松开了!come undone become unfastened 松开了 one of his shoelaces had come undone. 他的一根鞋带松开了。 unbutton /ʌnˈbʌtn/ [transitive verb] to unfasten the buttons on a piece of clothing 解开[衣服上的]纽扣 she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. 她慢慢地解开衬衫扣子。 father poole began to unbutton his overcoat. 普尔神父开始解开大衣纽扣。 unbuttoned [adjective not before noun] his shirt was completely unbuttoned. 他的衬衫完全敞开着。 unzip /ʌnˈzɪp/ [transitive verb] to unfasten clothes, bags etc by unfastening a zip 拉开…的拉链 she unzipped the case and took out a thick file. 她拉开箱子的拉链,拿出一个厚厚的文件夹。 he unzipped his jacket and flung it on a chair. 他脱下夹克,把它扔到椅子上。 unzipped [adjective] an unzipped bag was sitting on one of the benches. 长凳上有一只拉链开着的包。 untie /ʌnˈtaɪ/ [transitive verb] to unfasten the knot that fastens shoes, a tie, a scarf etc 解开[鞋带、领带、围巾等] he untied his right shoe first. 他先解开右脚的鞋带。 amy untied her apron and folded it neatly. 埃米解下围裙,把它叠得整整齐齐。 untied [adjective] he's always walking around with his shoelaces untied. 他老是鞋带不系好就到处走。 loosen /ˈluːsən/ [transitive verb] to unfasten clothes a little in order to make yourself more comfortable 把.…松开一些 i'd eaten so much that i had to loosen my belt. 我吃了这么多,得松松裤带了。 carter took off his jacket and loosened his tie. 卡特脱下外套,松开领带。 open /ˈəʊpən/ [adjective] a shirt, bag etc that is open is not fastened [衬衫、包等]敞开的;未扣上的 it was very hot and the men had their shirts open to the waist. 天气非常热,男人们把衬衫敞到腰上。 emily realised that her handbag was open and her money gone. 埃米莉发现手提包开着,钱不见了。come open become open accidentally [无意中]敞开了 her blouse came open in front of a nationwide tv audience! 在全国的电视观众面前,她的衬衫突然松开了! |
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