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单词 reputable
释义 reputable adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be信誉卓著adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常值得信赖▸➤highly信誉极好◆a highly reputable company信誉极好的公司➤less不怎么有声望◆customers who are tired of waiting turn to less reputable suppliers.等不及的顾客转而选择不怎么知名的供货商。◆he spent a lot of time hanging around the less reputable bars in chicago.他长时间泡在芝加哥的一些不知名的酒吧里。➤less than一点儿声望也没有◆some of the men looked less than reputable.这些人中有的看上去没有什么名望。 reputable /repjətəbl/ adjectivethat people consider to be honest and to provide a good service 声誉卓著的;值得信赖的◆how can you be sure that you're buying from a reputable dealer? 你如何能够确定自己是从诚信的商家那儿购买的?☞ reputablereputable /repjətəbl/ honest and known to provide a good service信誉好的;值得信赖的◆buy your car from a reputable dealer.要从有信誉的经销商那里买车。ⓘ reputable is usually used about companies and people involved in business or trade. * reputable 通常修饰从事买卖的公司和商人。  ➡ see also reputation → reputation reputable/ˈrepjətəbl ||; ˈrɛpjətəbḷ/adj that is known to be good 声誉良好的 [opp] disreputable 反义词为disreputablereputablesee ⇨ honest 1 ⇨ reputation 2 rep·u·ta·ble /`rɛpjətəbḷ; ˈrepjtəbəl/adjrespected for being honest and doing good work 声誉好的,信誉好的; 享有声望的:◇a reputable company 声誉良好的公司




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