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单词 on time
释义 ☞ timeon timephrasearriving at the arranged or correct time; not late按时的;准时的◆please try to be on time in future.以后请准时。◆the train arrived right on time.火车正点到达。 opp late → late on time1 happening or arriving at the arranged time2 someone who is always on time3 when something happens before it is too late4 to finish a piece of work within the time that is allowed for itrelated wordsoppositelate,see alsotime,late,early,1. happening or arriving at the arranged time 在安排好的时间发生或到达 on time /ɒn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] the trains don't always arrive on time. 火车并不总是准时到达。 the company will lose money if the work isn't completed on time. 如果这项工作没有按时完成,公司就要赔钱。 did philip pay up on time? 菲利普按时还钱了吗?on time for i hate not being on time for class. 我讨厌上课迟到。 right on time /ˌraɪt ɒn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] exactly on time 非常准时;分秒不差 gary turned up right on time, holding a big bouquet of flowers. 加里捧着一大束鲜花,一分不差地准时到达。 ah, mrs shields, you're right on time! 啊,希尔德夫人,你来得正好准时! bang/dead on time /ˌbæŋ, ˌded ɒn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] british informal exactly on time 【英,非正式】非常准时 the baby arrived on the 16th -- bang on time! 婴儿在16日出生—非常准时! he looked at his watch. he was dead on time. 他看了看表。他是十分准时的。 promptly/punctually /ˈprɒmptliǁˈprɑː-, ˈpʌŋktʃuəli/ [adverb] if you do something punctually or promptly, you do it at the time that you arranged to do it 准时地 linda always pays her rent promptly on the 1st of the month. 琳达总是在每个月的1号准时交房租。 loretta arrived punctually at her office the next day at ten o'clock. 第二天10点钟洛蕾塔准时回到办公室。 on cue /ɒn ˈkjuː/ [adverb] if you do something on cue, you do it exactly at the moment when other people expect you to do it 恰好在这时候 jim told one of his terrible jokes and everyone laughed on cue. 吉姆说了一个很蹩脚的笑话,在适当的时候大家都笑了。as if on cue ‘ashley should be here soon’, said jo, and as if on cue, there was a knock at the door. “阿什利很快就到。”乔说。恰好在这时候,有人像得了信号一样敲门了。right/bang on cue we were looking out over the sea when, right on cue, the dolphins appeared. 我们放眼向大海望去,就在这个时候海豚出现了。 on the dot /ɒn ðə ˈdɒtǁ-ˈdɑːt/ [adverb] at 6.30/ten o'clock/ seven etc on the dot at 6.30, ten o'clock etc exactly 正好在6点半/10点钟/7点钟等 he gets annoyed if his lunch isn't ready at one o'clock on the dot. 如果午饭没有在一点钟准时做好,他就会生气。 i expect you to arrive at 7:30 on the dot. 我希望你在7点半准时到达。2. someone who is always on time 某人总是准时到达或做事情 punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ [adjective] someone who is punctual always arrives or does things when they are supposed to 准时的,守时的 dinner is served at seven: please try to be punctual. 7点用晚餐,请尽量准时。 our clients are usually punctual -- you would be too if you were paying $10 a minute. 我们的顾客一般都很准时—如果要你每分钟付十美元,你也会准时的。 punctuality /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈælɪti, ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ [uncountable noun] punctuality is not one of my strong points, i must admit. 守时不是我的优点,这一点我必须承认。 cadets are taught discipline, neatness and punctuality. 军校学员要学习守纪、整洁和守时。3. when something happens before it is too late 某事及时发生 in time /ɪn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] david said he'd take me to the concert, if he's home in time. 戴维说如果他能及时赶回家,就带我去听音乐会。 if you don't leave enough space between your car and the car in front, you may not be able to stop in time. 如果你的车没有跟前面的车保持足够的距离,就有可能无法及时刹车。in time to do something don't worry, i'll be back in time to cook dinner. 别急,我来得及赶回来做饭的。 she's hoping to be out of hospital in time to celebrate her birthday at home. 她希望能及时出院回家过生日。in time for do you think you'll be fit in time for saturday's race? 你觉得你能及时恢复健康参加星期六的比赛吗? just in time /ˌdʒʌst ɪn ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] happening or done in time, but almost too late 刚刚来得及 she put her foot on the brakes just in time. 她的脚刚刚来得及踩在刹车上。just in time to do something he got to the airport just in time to catch the flight to madrid. 他正好及时赶到机场搭乘飞往马德里的航班。just in time for come in. you're just in time for a cup of coffee. 进来吧,刚好来喝杯咖啡。only just in time british we were only just in time. a few more minutes and the bank would have been closed. 我们来得正好,再过几分钟银行就关门了。 in the nick of time /ɪn ðə ˌnɪk əv ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] informal just in time to prevent something bad from happening - often used in stories 【非正式】正是时候;在紧要关头[常用于讲故事] radio contact was established in the nick of time and we managed to transmit a message to the ship. 无线电联络在最后一刻接上了,我们设法向船上发送了一份电文。just in the nick of time she escaped from her smoke-filled home just in the nick of time. 她正好在最后关头从浓烟弥漫的家中逃了出来。 not a moment too soon /nɒt ə ˌməʊmənt tuː ˈsuːn/ [adverb] just in time to prevent something very bad from happening 差点儿来不及[防止坏事发生] the ambulance finally arrived, not a moment too soon. 救护车终于来了,差点儿就来不及。 at the last minute /ət ðə ˌlɑːst ˈmɪnə̇tǁ-ˌlæst-/ [adverb] if something happens at the last minute, it happens at the latest possible time, just before it is too late 在最后一刻 an american businessman stepped in at the last minute to rescue the company. 一位美国商人在最后一刻介入,拯救了公司。 realizing its error at the last minute, the magazine just managed to correct the offending headline. 杂志社在最后一刻发现错误,及时更正了这个极具冒犯性的标题。 at the eleventh hour /ət ði ɪˌlevənθ ˈaʊəʳ/ [adverb] if something happens at the eleventh hour, it happens at the latest possible time, just before it is too late - use this when you had almost given up hoping that something would happen 在最后一刻[用于表示差一点放弃希望] war was averted at the eleventh hour when both sides agreed to talks. 双方在最后一刻同意和谈,避免了战争。 eleventh-hour [adjective only before noun] fernandez waits on death row, hoping for an eleventh-hour reprieve. 费尔南德斯在监狱的死囚区里等待着,希望在最后一刻获得缓刑。 catch /kætʃ/ [transitive verb] to manage to do something, talk to someone, see something etc just before it is too late 及时赶上[做某事、与某人说话、看某物等] i managed to catch her just as she was leaving the office. 我终于在她正要离开办公室的时候追上了她。catch the post british post letters etc in time for them to be collected that day 【英】赶上收信的时间寄信 the letters were all addressed and stamped, and there was still plenty of time to catch the post. 这些信都已写好地址贴上邮票,现在还有足够的时间赶上邮局的收信时间。catch the news/a tv programme etc she was rushing to catch her favorite show on tv. 她急匆匆地赶着去收看她最喜欢的电视节目。 cut it fine british /cut it close american /ˌkʌt ɪt ˈfaɪn, ˌkʌt ɪt ˈkləʊs/ [verb phrase] to have very little time left before you have to be somewhere or do something, so that you are almost late 时间抓得很紧凑 kelly had 10 minutes to reach the studio -- even in normal traffic that was cutting it close. 凯利只有十分钟的时间赶去工作室—即使交通正常,时间也是很紧的。cut it a bit fine you're cutting it a bit fine aren't you? the show starts in 2 minutes. 你把时间抠得太紧了吧?演出两分钟后就要开始了。cut it pretty close we cut it pretty close - we only had 30 minutes to get to the airport. 我们把时间抠得很紧,只有30分钟的时间赶去机场。 before it's too late /bɪˌfɔːʳ ɪts tuː ˈleɪt/ use this to tell or warn someone to do something now in order to prevent something bad from happening that they will not be able to change later 趁来得及,免得太晚 you'd better get that letter back from her somehow, before it's too late. 你最好及早从她那里把信拿回来。 we are urging the government to stop the bombing now, before it's too late. 我们在敦促政府现在就停止轰炸,以免为时太晚。4. to finish a piece of work within the time that is allowed for it 在期限内完成一项工作 meet a deadline /ˌmiːt ə ˈdedlaɪn/ [verb phrase] to finish some work within the time that you have been allowed to do it, especially when it is very important that it is done by that time 如期完成 journalists have to work very quickly in order to meet their deadlines. 记者必须手脚勤快才能如期完成任务。 without extra help, it's going to be very difficult to meet the friday deadline. 如果不增加人手来帮忙,很难如期在星期五之前完成工作。 on schedule /ɒn ˈʃedʒuːlǁ-ˈskedʒʊl/ [adjective/adverb phrase] if a piece of work, especially a piece of work that continues for a long time, is finished on schedule, it is done within the time that has been allowed for it to be done 按期;按照预定时间 the builders were lazy and failed to finish the boat on schedule. 造船工人很懒,未能按期把船造好。be on schedule so far we are on schedule and the project should come to an end in two months, as planned. 到目前为止我们都是按照预定的时间工作,所以工程应该会如期于两个月后完成。




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