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单词 default
释义 default /dɪfɔːlt; diːfɔːlt/ noun (law 法律) [uncountable, countable] failure to do sth that is required by an agreement or by law, especially paying a debt 违约(尤指拖欠债务)◆the country is trying to avoid a default on its foreign debt. 这国家正试图避免拖欠外债。◆they are in default of their obligations. 他们未履行义务。◆the risk of default is very high. 违约风险相当高。◆loan defaults 贷款拖欠2. (it 信息技术) [uncountable, countable] what happens or appears if you do not make any other choice or change 默认;系统设定值◆the default option is to save your work every five minutes. 默认的选项是每五分钟贮存一次。◆what do you use as your default browser? 你用甚么浏览器作为默认浏览器? ●by defaultif something happens by default it happens because nothing has been done to make things happen differently or because sb has not done what they should have done 自动地;默认地◆he became chief executive of the merged company almost by default. 他几乎不费吹灰之力就当上了合并后公司的总裁。◆they won their lawsuit by default. 他们很轻松地打赢了官司。 judgement by/in default default /dɪfɔːlt; diːfɔːlt/ verb [intransitive] (law 法律) to fail to do sth that you are legally required to do, especially by not paying a debt 违约;不履行义务(尤指不偿还债务)◆the company defaulted on a $5 million loan repayment. 这家公司拖欠 500 万元的贷款。◆a defaulted bond (= one for which the investors did not receive a payment) 拖欠债券◆defaulting tenants 拖欠租金的承租人2. (it 信息技术) to happen when you do not make any other choice or change 默认;预设◆the browsers default to the internal home page. 浏览器预设为内部主页。 ▸ defaulter noun [countable] ◆loan defaulters 拖欠贷款者☞ default☞ defaultdefault¹/dɪˈfɔ:lt ||; dɪˈfɔlt/noun [sing] (computing计算机技术) a course of action taken by a computer when it is not given any other instruction 缺省设定,缺设(计算机没有接收到其他任何指令时自行设定的选择) by default because nothing happened, not because of successful effort 因对方弃权或缺席(而获胜等): ◇they won by default, because the other team didn't turn up. 他们因另一队没有到场而以对方弃权获胜。 default²/dɪˈfɔ:lt ||; dɪˈfɔlt/verb[i] 1. default (on sth) to not do sth that you should do by law 不依法律做;不履行: ◇if you default on the credit payments (= you don't pay them), the car will be taken back. 如不按赊账规定付款,就要收回这辆车。 2. (computing计算机技术)default (to sth) to take a particular course of action when no other command is given 缺省设定,缺设(计算机没有接收到其他任何指令时按自行设定的选择操作) defaultsee ⇨ owe 3☞ default¹☞ default²☞ default³




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