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单词 deface
释义 deface [transitive] (rather formal) to deliberately damage the appearance of a book, painting, wall, etc., especially by drawing or writing on it损坏(书、绘画、墙壁等的)外貌;乱涂乱写◆a graffiti artist who defaced buildings and bridges一个涂损楼房和桥梁外貌的涂鸦艺术家deface/dɪˈfeɪs ||; dɪˈfes/verb [t] to spoil the way sth looks by writing on or marking its surface 涂污;损坏(某物)的外观 defacesee ⇨ damage 2 de·face /dɪ`fes; dɪˈfeɪs/v [t]to spoil the appearance of something by writing or making marks on it 污损[外观],损毁[外表]:◇the gravestone had been defaced by vandals. 墓碑的表面被破坏公物者污损了。




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