



    1.doing: 现在分词 一般式 主动语态

    2.being done: 现在分词一般式 被动语态

    3.having done: 现在分词 完成式 主动语态

    4.having been done:现在分词 完成式 被动语态

    5.done :过去分词


    1.doing ----- 表示分词的动作:


    Hearing the bell ,the students began to enter the classroom .

    解析:①主语the students和分詞Hearing 之间是主动关系;②分词Hearing和谓语动词began to enter 的动作同时发生。

    2.being done ----- 表示分词的动作:

    ①正在进行;②与谓语的动作同时发;③名词 与being done 是被动关系。

    Being painted now,the classroom can not be used .

    解析:①主语the classroom和分词Being painted 之间是被动关系;②分词Being painted的动作正在发生。

    3.having done ----- 表示分词的动作:

    ①发生在谓语的动作或状态之前;②名词与having done 是主动关系。

    Having finished the work ,Tom went out for play .

    解析:①主语Tom和分词Having finished 之间是主动关系;②分词Having finished的动作发生在谓语动词went out for play之前。

    4.having been done ----- 表示分词的动作:

    ①发生在谓语的动作或状态之前;②名词与having been done是被动关系。

    Having been used for many years ,the car needs repairing .

    解析:①主语the car和分词Having been used 之间是被动关系;②分词Having been used的动作发生在谓语动词needs repairing之前。

    5.done ----- 表示分词的动作:

    ①分词本身动作发生完了;②没时间性;③名词与done 之间是被动关系。

    Seen from the hill ,our school is very beautiful .

    解析:①our school和seen 之间是被动关系;②seen的动作没有时间性。



    1.时间状语:Having finished the work,Tom went out for play.

    2.原因状语:Being painted now,the classroom can not be used.

    3.条件状语:Seen from the hill,our schoolyard looks very beau-tiful.

    4.让步状语:Having been warned many times,the boy still beca-me careless in doing the job.

    5.结果状语:Football is played all over the world , making it the most popular sport.

    6.方式状语:Being late for class , he came to school running all the way.

    7.伴随状况状语:The students entered the classroom, talking and laughing.



    另,伴随状况状语通常在谓语后面,常不用逗号标志。例如:The students entered the classroom talking and laughing .


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