
    01 OU mission revisited from the perspective of lifelong educatien

    Degang Jing

    05 Heutagogy and digital media networks: setting students on the path to lifelong learning

    Lisa Marie Blaschke and Stewart Hase

    17 Towards Chinese teaching professional qualifications scale and criteria in line with qualifications frameworks

    Xiaoying Feng, Yuwei Sun and Weiyuan Zhang

    25 Educational robotics in K-12: a literature review of international research in the past decade

    Lilin Gong, Wei Zhao, Yang Liu and Yanyu Wang

    35 A qualitative study of game-based learning experiences

    Lu Zhang, Mingyu Hu and Junjie Shang

    42 A qualitative study of online course quality and quality factors: insights from researchers, practitioners

    and learners

    Shuang Li, Menglei Li and Hong Zhao

    51 How do learners perceive the quality of Internet-based learning products?

    Huaping Gong, Jianxin You and Cenlan Wang

    58 The effect of educational software on learning outcomes: a meta-analysis of 38 experimental and

    quasi-experimental studies

    Yang Liu and Dongwei Zhao

    65 Coordinated development of lifelong education in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei from the perspective of

    communication mechanism

    Yubao Shen and Chaofeng Zhao

    73 The social impact of regional cultural ecology on coordinated development of distance education in

    Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

    Yabin Zhang and Ruiting Han

    80 Abstracts

    82 Contents

  • 小学语文课堂教学中的激励性评

    摘 要:激励性评价作为小学常用的教学方式,在教师日常教学中具有重要作用,在各小学学科中都有应用。在小学语文课堂上,语文教师需要与学

  • 高等教育人工智能应用研究综述

    奥拉夫·扎瓦克奇-里克特 维多利亚·艾琳·马林【摘要】多种国际报告显示教育人工智能是当前教育技术新兴领域之一。虽然教育人工智能已有约

  • 生活引路,作文随行

    周海波【摘 要】“写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感。”教师如何让学生更加贴