
    01 Knowledge production and evolution: online course representation and evolution in the Internet age

    Hang Lu and Li Chen

    10 A survey of non-mainland Chinese lifelong learning in the Internet age

    Qing Chen and Weiyuan Zhang

    16 MOOC movement in 2018: development summary and trends based on Coursera, edX, XuetangX,

    Udacity, and FutureLearn

    Jiumei Ji, Yu wang, Jiayu Ouyang, Qiong Wang

    26 Towards an open education credit system in the full sense

    Honghui Sun

    32 Designing a model for developing practical training courses in the Internet Plus environment

    Fugang He, Li Chen and Qun Zhu

    43 The effect of clue types on learning performance in the environment of digital learning resources

    Hongyan Wang, Zhongling Pi, Xiuli Huang, and Weiping Hu

    53 Open and distance education in South Africa in a digital age

    Paul Prinsloo

    65 The influence of tutoring style on PBL performance in ill-structured problem domain: an epistemic

    network analysis approach

    Bian Wu and Fengfeng Du

    72 Perceived value, cognitive process and behavioral intention: a configuration analysis of MOOC Learning

    Baojian Zhang, Xiaokong Zhang, Bo Pei and Guoqiang Sun

    83 Using Flowchart to foster computational thinking

    Xiaohua Yu and? Meiling Wang

    92 Abstracts

    94 Contents

  • 小学语文课堂教学中的激励性评

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    周海波【摘 要】“写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感。”教师如何让学生更加贴