景绍学 范梦松 李冬梅

摘 要:传统的Wiener系统在工业系统建模方面获得了大量应用,但是当系统含有动态非线性环节时,就会因为模型不匹配导致建模效果不佳。为了更好的对这类系统进行建模,必须将传统Wiener系统中的静态非线性模块扩展为动态非线性形式。在采用全新结构的基础上,基于关键项分离技术参数化系统以减小算法计算量,并避免出现参数乘积项;对数据进行滤波以获得参数的无偏估计;运用最小二乘算法以获得健壮的参数估计值。数值仿真表明了算法的有效性。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A
Abstract:The traditional Wiener system has been widely applied in the modeling of industrial system.However,when the system contains dynamic nonlinear elements,the model obtained is not optimal because of the non-matching model.In order to model this kind of system better,the static nonlinear block in the traditional Wiener system must be extended to dynamic nonlinear form.Firstly,the original system with new structure is parameterized based on key-term separation technology to reduce the computation,and to avoid the product terms of the parameters;secondly,the input and output data are filtered to estimate the known parameters without bias;At last,the least squares algorithm is used to obtain robust parameter estimates.Numerical simulation shows the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Keywords:parameter identification;generalized Wiener systems;key-term separation;least squares algorithm
1 引言(Introduction)
目前,在模块化非线性系统的辨识问题中,考虑的非线性模块多为静态的,即非线性模块的输出只与其当前时刻输入有关。然而,事实并非总是如此,为了更好的逼近实际系统、获得更加满意的辨识效果,本文将动态因素引入模块化非线性系统的非线性部分,构成了广义模块化非线性系统。本文研究一类典型的广义模块化非线性系统——广义Wiener系统的参数辨识问题。广义Wiener系统(Generalized Wiener systems,GW)由一个线性动态子模块后面串联一个动态非线性模块组成,其辨识难点包括:(1)两个环节中间的变量不可测,现有辨识方法无法直接应用;(2)直接参数化后导致出现参数乘积项,无法得到单个环节的参数;(3)系统的辨识参数化后系统维数很高,辨识算法的计算量很大。
2 问题描述(Problem description)
Step 1:初始化;
Step 2:收集输入输出数据;
Step 3:基于关键项分离技术参数化系统;
Step 4:对输入输出数据进行滤波;
Step 5:用RLS算法对参数向量辨识;
Step 6:用RLS算法估计噪声传递函数参数;
Step 7:令,如果,转Step 2;否则,辨识结束。
4 数值仿真(Numerical simulation)
5 结论(Conclusion)
参考文献 (References)
[1] Wang D Q,Liu H B,Ding F.Highly Efficient Identification Methods for Dual-Rate Hammerstein Systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,2015,23(5):1952-1960.
[2] 景绍学,李正明.Wiener系统的变聚点样条逼近递推贝叶斯算法[J].控制理论与应用,2017,34(1):13-21.
[3] Yu F,Mao Z,Jia M.Recursive Identification for Hammerstein–Wiener Systems with Deadzone Input Nonlinearity[J].Journal of Process Control,2013,23(8):1108-1115.
[4] Chen H F.Recursive Identification for Wiener Model with Discontinuous Piece-Wise Linear Function[J].IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2006,51(3):390-400.
[5] Wigren T,Schoukens J.Three Free Data Sets for Development and Benchmarking in Nonlinear System Identification[A].Proc.2013 Eur.Control Conf.(ECC2013),2013:17-19.
[6] Dudul S V,Ghatol A A.Identification of A Typical CD Player Arm Using a Two-Layer Perceptron Neural Network Model[J].Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,IEEE,2003,2:1157-1162.
[7] Bai E W,Reyland J.Towards Identification of Wiener Systems with the Least Amount of a Priori Information on the Nonlinearity[J].Automatica,2008,44(4):910-919.
[8] Fan D,Lo K.Identification for Disturbed MIMO Wiener Systems[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2009,55(1-2):31-42.
[9] 吴德会.非线性动态系统的Wiener神经网络辨识法[J].控制理论与应用,2009,26(11):1192-1196.
[10] 张艳,李少远,王笑波,等.基于粒子群优化的Wiener模型辨识与实例研究[J].控制理论与应用,2006,23(6):991-995.
[11] Tang Y,Qiao L,Guan X.Identification of Wiener model using step signals and particle swarm optimization[J].Expert Systems with Applications,2010,37(4):3398-3404.
[12] Tan W W,Lu F,Loh A P,et al.Modeling and Control of a Pilot Ph Plant Using Genetic Algorithm[J].Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2005,18(4):485-494.
[13] Dotoli M,Maione G,Naso D,et al.Genetic identification of dynamical systems with static nonlinearities[C].Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Mountain Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications.Blacksburg:IEEE,2001:65-70.
[14] Wang D,Ding F.Least Squares Based and Gradient Based Iterative Identification for Wiener Nonlinear Systems[J].Signal Processing,2011,91(5):1182-1189.
[15] Hu Y,Liu B,Zhou Q,et al.Recursive Extended Least Squares Parameter Estimation for Wiener Nonlinear Systems with Moving Average Noises[J].Circuits,Systems,and Signal Processing,2014,33(2):655-664.
[16] Hagenblad A,Ljung L,Wills A.Maximum Likelihood Identification of Wiener Models[J].Automatica,2008,44(11):2697-2705.

摘 要:传统的Wiener系统在工业系统建模方面获得了大量应用,但是当系统含有动态非线性环节时,就会因为模型不匹配导致建模效果不佳。为了更好的对这类系统进行建模,必须将传统Wiener系统中的静态非线性模块扩展为动态非线性形式。在采用全新结构的基础上,基于关键项分离技术参数化系统以减小算法计算量,并避免出现参数乘积项;对数据进行滤波以获得参数的无偏估计;运用最小二乘算法以获得健壮的参数估计值。数值仿真表明了算法的有效性。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A
Abstract:The traditional Wiener system has been widely applied in the modeling of industrial system.However,when the system contains dynamic nonlinear elements,the model obtained is not optimal because of the non-matching model.In order to model this kind of system better,the static nonlinear block in the traditional Wiener system must be extended to dynamic nonlinear form.Firstly,the original system with new structure is parameterized based on key-term separation technology to reduce the computation,and to avoid the product terms of the parameters;secondly,the input and output data are filtered to estimate the known parameters without bias;At last,the least squares algorithm is used to obtain robust parameter estimates.Numerical simulation shows the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Keywords:parameter identification;generalized Wiener systems;key-term separation;least squares algorithm
1 引言(Introduction)
目前,在模块化非线性系统的辨识问题中,考虑的非线性模块多为静态的,即非线性模块的输出只与其当前时刻输入有关。然而,事实并非总是如此,为了更好的逼近实际系统、获得更加满意的辨识效果,本文将动态因素引入模块化非线性系统的非线性部分,构成了广义模块化非线性系统。本文研究一类典型的广义模块化非线性系统——广义Wiener系统的参数辨识问题。广义Wiener系统(Generalized Wiener systems,GW)由一个线性动态子模块后面串联一个动态非线性模块组成,其辨识难点包括:(1)两个环节中间的变量不可测,现有辨识方法无法直接应用;(2)直接参数化后导致出现参数乘积项,无法得到单个环节的参数;(3)系统的辨识参数化后系统维数很高,辨识算法的计算量很大。
2 问题描述(Problem description)
Step 1:初始化;
Step 2:收集输入输出数据;
Step 3:基于关键项分离技术参数化系统;
Step 4:对输入输出数据进行滤波;
Step 5:用RLS算法对参数向量辨识;
Step 6:用RLS算法估计噪声传递函数参数;
Step 7:令,如果,转Step 2;否则,辨识结束。
4 数值仿真(Numerical simulation)
5 结论(Conclusion)
参考文献 (References)
[1] Wang D Q,Liu H B,Ding F.Highly Efficient Identification Methods for Dual-Rate Hammerstein Systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,2015,23(5):1952-1960.
[2] 景绍学,李正明.Wiener系统的变聚点样条逼近递推贝叶斯算法[J].控制理论与应用,2017,34(1):13-21.
[3] Yu F,Mao Z,Jia M.Recursive Identification for Hammerstein–Wiener Systems with Deadzone Input Nonlinearity[J].Journal of Process Control,2013,23(8):1108-1115.
[4] Chen H F.Recursive Identification for Wiener Model with Discontinuous Piece-Wise Linear Function[J].IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2006,51(3):390-400.
[5] Wigren T,Schoukens J.Three Free Data Sets for Development and Benchmarking in Nonlinear System Identification[A].Proc.2013 Eur.Control Conf.(ECC2013),2013:17-19.
[6] Dudul S V,Ghatol A A.Identification of A Typical CD Player Arm Using a Two-Layer Perceptron Neural Network Model[J].Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,IEEE,2003,2:1157-1162.
[7] Bai E W,Reyland J.Towards Identification of Wiener Systems with the Least Amount of a Priori Information on the Nonlinearity[J].Automatica,2008,44(4):910-919.
[8] Fan D,Lo K.Identification for Disturbed MIMO Wiener Systems[J].Nonlinear Dynamics,2009,55(1-2):31-42.
[9] 吴德会.非线性动态系统的Wiener神经网络辨识法[J].控制理论与应用,2009,26(11):1192-1196.
[10] 张艳,李少远,王笑波,等.基于粒子群优化的Wiener模型辨识与实例研究[J].控制理论与应用,2006,23(6):991-995.
[11] Tang Y,Qiao L,Guan X.Identification of Wiener model using step signals and particle swarm optimization[J].Expert Systems with Applications,2010,37(4):3398-3404.
[12] Tan W W,Lu F,Loh A P,et al.Modeling and Control of a Pilot Ph Plant Using Genetic Algorithm[J].Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2005,18(4):485-494.
[13] Dotoli M,Maione G,Naso D,et al.Genetic identification of dynamical systems with static nonlinearities[C].Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Mountain Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications.Blacksburg:IEEE,2001:65-70.
[14] Wang D,Ding F.Least Squares Based and Gradient Based Iterative Identification for Wiener Nonlinear Systems[J].Signal Processing,2011,91(5):1182-1189.
[15] Hu Y,Liu B,Zhou Q,et al.Recursive Extended Least Squares Parameter Estimation for Wiener Nonlinear Systems with Moving Average Noises[J].Circuits,Systems,and Signal Processing,2014,33(2):655-664.
[16] Hagenblad A,Ljung L,Wills A.Maximum Likelihood Identification of Wiener Models[J].Automatica,2008,44(11):2697-2705.