

    摘 要:初中英语试卷中,完形填空题占一定的比例。这个题不难,但是很多学生得分却不理想。在教学过程中,经过多次实践,总结了以下几点,与大家分享。

    关键词:通读 推测 技巧


    Once upon a time,there was a very old man called Yu Gong.He lived with his family in a village and there were two big and__1_mountains near his house.They spend a long time__2_to the other side.

    1.A short B thin C high D long

    2.A get B to get C got D getting

    在做第2个题时,我们观察句中包含spend+时间或金钱+(in)doing something,根据词组,所以答案无疑应该是D。而第一题结合常识为"高大的山”,所以选C。

    One day,Yu Gong told his family that they must move the mountains to other places.__3__this,everyone in his family was laughing at him.One of his sons said,”Are you kidding?””No,Im serious and all of you must do it with me.”Everyone was__4_at that time.They really dont want to do it,but they have to do because the oldest man in his family was__5__important person at that time.

    3.A Seeing B Doing C Hearing D Watching

    4.A silent B tired C thirsty D exciting

    5.A most B the most C more D much more


    The next day everyone in Yu Gongs family started to dig the mountains.They put the stones and the earth___6_the sea.One day a man saw Yu Gong and his children__7_the mountains.He told Yu Gong he would never finish it.But Yu Gong said though he was__8_would die,his family could continue to move the mountains.Then they kept on digging day after day and year after year.

    6.A.on B to C up D into

    7.A dug B digging C to dig D dig

    8.A healthy B well C strong D weak

    第6题根据短语put into,故选D;而第7题考查词组see somebody doing something.故答案为B。在做第8题时我们应该结合现实,老人年迈体弱,将要死亡,所以选D。

    Finally a god was so moved by Yu Gong__9_he sent two gods to help Yu Gong move the mountains away.

    The story_10__us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.

    9.A that B who C which D whether

    10.A reminded B to remind C reminds D reminding



    The Readers is a popular TV show.It invites different people to read aloud on the stage.The_____also tells the moving stories behind those people.

    A show B lesson C research D play


    President Roosevelt was a great hunter.One day,he travelled in Mississippi.Some people took him to go hunting.Things were not going well and President Roosevelt hunted nothing.Someone had an idea.He caught a bear and tied it to the tree for President Roosevelt to_____.The bear looked very helpless and tired,so Roosevelt refused to shoot it.

    A catch B tie C shoot D take




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