摘 要: 研究2?状态单目标?多条件约束串?并联(S?P)网络的可靠性优化问题(RAP)。设计了具有压缩系数的离散型微粒群算法进行求解,采用Matlab编程对问题实例进行模拟仿真,结果表明,对于合理选择的初始解与算法参数,微粒群算法每次运行都收敛,并且能够收敛到最优解。通过与传统的智能算法(模拟退火算法、蚁群算法、遗传算法)比较,微粒群算法具有初始解容易选择、参数易于设置,收敛性好、收敛快的优势。
关键词: 多条件约束; 串?并联网络; 微粒群算法; 可靠性优化; 模拟仿真; 智能算法
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)01?0089?04
Abstract: The reliability optimization problem of the 2?state single?objective and multi?condition constraint series?parallel (S?P) network is studied. The discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm with compression coefficient was designed to solve the above problem. The instance with the problem is simulated with Matlab programming. The simulation results show that, for the reasonably?selected initial solution and algorithm parameter, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has convergence for each operation, and can converge to the optimal solution. In comparison with the traditional intelligent algorithms such as simulated annealing algorithm, ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has the advantages of easy selection for initial solution, easy setting for parameters, good convergence and fast convergence rate.
Keywords: multi?condition constraint; series?parallel network; particle swarm optimization algorithm; reliability optimization; analog simulation; intelligent algorithm
0 引 言
1 模型与解的构造
[maxR=i=1nR(i),s.t. i=1nC(i)≤C, i=1nW(i)≤W] (1)
2 具有收缩系数的离散粒子群优化算法
[f(X)=R-M*min0,i=1nC(i)2-M*min0,i=1nW(i)2] (2)
[vt+1id=w*vtid+c1*rand( )(pid-xtid)+c*2rand( )(pgt-xtid)] (3)
[xt+1id=int(xtid+vt+1id)] (4)
3 模拟仿真
3.1 实例1
算法求得的最优解为:[X=0 ,2,0,0,00,2,1,0,00,][0,0,0,5 ,]即子系统1由5种可选择的元件中第2类2个并联组成,子系统2由5种可选择的元件中第2类2个、第3类1个并联组成,子系统3由5种可选择的元件中第5类5个元件并联组成。此时系统最大可靠度为0.982 2,系统费用为30元,系统重量为50 kg,本文最优解优于文献[6]的0.981 6,算法运行时间也极大的减少。随机运行50次算法,结果为:可靠性最大为0.982 2(3次),最小为0.969 4,平均为0.976 7,总时间为46.121 7 s。
3.2 实例2
如果要求系统总费用[C≤400]元,总重量[W≤414]kg,[nmax≤6。]算法参数设置为:[M=100,][N=20,][Gmax=300,]惯性权重从0.9线性地减少为0.4,速度常数[c1=c2=1.496 3,]选择初始解为[X0=][2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]。
算法求得的最优解为:[X=][3,4,6,4,3,2,4,5,4,2,3,4,5,4,5],此时系统最大可靠度为0.945 6,系统费用为392元,系统重量为414 kg,本文算法运行时间极大地减少。随机运行50次算法,结果为:可靠性最大为0.945 6(3次),最小为0.932 4,平均为0.941 1,总时间为104.198 4 s。
4 算法比较
5 结 论
[1] MITSUO G, YUN Y S. Soft computing approach for reliability optimization: state?of?the?art survey [J]. Reliability engineering & system safety, 2006, 91: 1008?1026.
[2] LIANG Y C, WU C C. A variable neighbourhood descent algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem [J]. IEMS, 2005, 4(1): 94?101.
[3] LIANG Y C. An ant colony optimization algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem [J]. IEEE transactions on reliability, 2004, 53(4): 417?423.
[4] PHAKHAPONG T, WORAWAT S, APINAN A, et al. Improved ant colony optimization for solving reliability redundancy allocation problems [J]. International journal of computer, information science and engineering, 2013, 7(2): 130?135.
[5] COIT D W, SMITH A E. Reliability optimization of series?parallel systems using a genetic algorithm [J]. IEEE transactions on reliability, 1996, 45(2): 254?260.
[6] 程世娟,卢伟,何平.蚁群算法在冗余系统可靠性最优分配上的应用[J].计算机工程与应用,2009,45(15):64?66.
CHENG Shijuan, LU Wei, HE Ping. Application of ant colony algorithm in the optimal allocation of redundant system reliability [J]. Computer engineering and applications, 2009, 45(15): 64?66.
[7] GARG H, SHARMA S P. Multi?objective reliability?redundancy allocation problem using particle swarm optimization [J]. Computers & industrial engineering, 2013, 64(1): 247?255.
[8] AGHAEI M, HAMADANI A Z, ARDAKAN M A. Redundancy allocation problem for k?out?of?n, systems with a choice of redundancy strategies [J]. Journal of industrial engineering international, 2017, 13(1): 81?92.
[9] SHEIKHPOUR S, MAHANI A. Particle swarm optimization with intelligent mutation for nonlinear mixed?integer reliability?redundancy allocation [J]. International journal of computational intelligence & applications, 2017, 16(1): 1?21.
[10] FEIZABADI M, JAHROMI A E. A new model for reliability optimization of series?parallel systems with non?homogeneous components [J]. Reliability engineering & system safety, 2016, 157: 101?112.
[11] 曾建潮,介婧,崔志华.微粒群算法[M].北京:科學出版社,2004.
ZENG Jianchao, JIE Jing, CUI Zhihua. Particle swarm optimization algorithm [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2004.
[12] WONG J Y. A note on solving a system reliability problem [J]. Microelectronics reliability, 1993, 33(8): 1045?1051.
[13] 高尚,杨静宇,吴小俊,等.可靠性优化的蚁群算法[J].计算机应用与软件,2004,21(12):94?96.
GAO Shang, YANG Jingyu, WU Xiaojun, et al. Ant colony algorithm for reliability optimization [J]. Computer application and software, 2004, 21(12): 94?96.
[14] 李东魁,董海.非相同元件并联的S?P网络可靠性优化研究[J].阴山学刊(自然科学版),2016,30(2):35?41.
LI Dongkui, DONG Hai. Reliability optimization of S?P networks in parallel with non?identical components [J]. Yinshan Academic Journal (natural science edition), 2016, 30(2): 35?41.
[15] 乌兰图雅,李东魁,其木格.相异元件并联的可靠性优化模型[J].内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版),2015,44(6):761?764.
WULAN Tuya, LI Dongkui, QI Muge. Reliability optimization model in parallel with non?identical components [J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Chinese edition of natural science), 2015, 44(6): 761?764.
关键词: 多条件约束; 串?并联网络; 微粒群算法; 可靠性优化; 模拟仿真; 智能算法
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)01?0089?04
Abstract: The reliability optimization problem of the 2?state single?objective and multi?condition constraint series?parallel (S?P) network is studied. The discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm with compression coefficient was designed to solve the above problem. The instance with the problem is simulated with Matlab programming. The simulation results show that, for the reasonably?selected initial solution and algorithm parameter, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has convergence for each operation, and can converge to the optimal solution. In comparison with the traditional intelligent algorithms such as simulated annealing algorithm, ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has the advantages of easy selection for initial solution, easy setting for parameters, good convergence and fast convergence rate.
Keywords: multi?condition constraint; series?parallel network; particle swarm optimization algorithm; reliability optimization; analog simulation; intelligent algorithm
0 引 言
1 模型与解的构造
[maxR=i=1nR(i),s.t. i=1nC(i)≤C, i=1nW(i)≤W] (1)
2 具有收缩系数的离散粒子群优化算法
[f(X)=R-M*min0,i=1nC(i)2-M*min0,i=1nW(i)2] (2)
[vt+1id=w*vtid+c1*rand( )(pid-xtid)+c*2rand( )(pgt-xtid)] (3)
[xt+1id=int(xtid+vt+1id)] (4)
3 模拟仿真
3.1 实例1
算法求得的最优解为:[X=0 ,2,0,0,00,2,1,0,00,][0,0,0,5 ,]即子系统1由5种可选择的元件中第2类2个并联组成,子系统2由5种可选择的元件中第2类2个、第3类1个并联组成,子系统3由5种可选择的元件中第5类5个元件并联组成。此时系统最大可靠度为0.982 2,系统费用为30元,系统重量为50 kg,本文最优解优于文献[6]的0.981 6,算法运行时间也极大的减少。随机运行50次算法,结果为:可靠性最大为0.982 2(3次),最小为0.969 4,平均为0.976 7,总时间为46.121 7 s。
3.2 实例2
如果要求系统总费用[C≤400]元,总重量[W≤414]kg,[nmax≤6。]算法参数设置为:[M=100,][N=20,][Gmax=300,]惯性权重从0.9线性地减少为0.4,速度常数[c1=c2=1.496 3,]选择初始解为[X0=][2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]。
算法求得的最优解为:[X=][3,4,6,4,3,2,4,5,4,2,3,4,5,4,5],此时系统最大可靠度为0.945 6,系统费用为392元,系统重量为414 kg,本文算法运行时间极大地减少。随机运行50次算法,结果为:可靠性最大为0.945 6(3次),最小为0.932 4,平均为0.941 1,总时间为104.198 4 s。
4 算法比较
5 结 论
[1] MITSUO G, YUN Y S. Soft computing approach for reliability optimization: state?of?the?art survey [J]. Reliability engineering & system safety, 2006, 91: 1008?1026.
[2] LIANG Y C, WU C C. A variable neighbourhood descent algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem [J]. IEMS, 2005, 4(1): 94?101.
[3] LIANG Y C. An ant colony optimization algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem [J]. IEEE transactions on reliability, 2004, 53(4): 417?423.
[4] PHAKHAPONG T, WORAWAT S, APINAN A, et al. Improved ant colony optimization for solving reliability redundancy allocation problems [J]. International journal of computer, information science and engineering, 2013, 7(2): 130?135.
[5] COIT D W, SMITH A E. Reliability optimization of series?parallel systems using a genetic algorithm [J]. IEEE transactions on reliability, 1996, 45(2): 254?260.
[6] 程世娟,卢伟,何平.蚁群算法在冗余系统可靠性最优分配上的应用[J].计算机工程与应用,2009,45(15):64?66.
CHENG Shijuan, LU Wei, HE Ping. Application of ant colony algorithm in the optimal allocation of redundant system reliability [J]. Computer engineering and applications, 2009, 45(15): 64?66.
[7] GARG H, SHARMA S P. Multi?objective reliability?redundancy allocation problem using particle swarm optimization [J]. Computers & industrial engineering, 2013, 64(1): 247?255.
[8] AGHAEI M, HAMADANI A Z, ARDAKAN M A. Redundancy allocation problem for k?out?of?n, systems with a choice of redundancy strategies [J]. Journal of industrial engineering international, 2017, 13(1): 81?92.
[9] SHEIKHPOUR S, MAHANI A. Particle swarm optimization with intelligent mutation for nonlinear mixed?integer reliability?redundancy allocation [J]. International journal of computational intelligence & applications, 2017, 16(1): 1?21.
[10] FEIZABADI M, JAHROMI A E. A new model for reliability optimization of series?parallel systems with non?homogeneous components [J]. Reliability engineering & system safety, 2016, 157: 101?112.
[11] 曾建潮,介婧,崔志华.微粒群算法[M].北京:科學出版社,2004.
ZENG Jianchao, JIE Jing, CUI Zhihua. Particle swarm optimization algorithm [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2004.
[12] WONG J Y. A note on solving a system reliability problem [J]. Microelectronics reliability, 1993, 33(8): 1045?1051.
[13] 高尚,杨静宇,吴小俊,等.可靠性优化的蚁群算法[J].计算机应用与软件,2004,21(12):94?96.
GAO Shang, YANG Jingyu, WU Xiaojun, et al. Ant colony algorithm for reliability optimization [J]. Computer application and software, 2004, 21(12): 94?96.
[14] 李东魁,董海.非相同元件并联的S?P网络可靠性优化研究[J].阴山学刊(自然科学版),2016,30(2):35?41.
LI Dongkui, DONG Hai. Reliability optimization of S?P networks in parallel with non?identical components [J]. Yinshan Academic Journal (natural science edition), 2016, 30(2): 35?41.
[15] 乌兰图雅,李东魁,其木格.相异元件并联的可靠性优化模型[J].内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版),2015,44(6):761?764.
WULAN Tuya, LI Dongkui, QI Muge. Reliability optimization model in parallel with non?identical components [J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Chinese edition of natural science), 2015, 44(6): 761?764.